Jesus, Son of Most Holy Mary

My dearest daughter, in the person of my priest am I here present among you today. I protect you and guard you in these difficult times but, for you, my children, the difficulties will not exist.

I am always with you, be sure of it. Have no fear, because wherever my Mother is, there am I. I will never leave you alone. I will be near you in all the most difficult moments and will guide you until the end, when I will present you to my Father.

Pray and live always as if that day were the last, that is, in the grace of God. My Father will cure you and heal you and you, finally, will live in the glory of your Father.

My dear children, you know well that only prayer, surrounded by good works, will open the gate of Joy of my Father.

Do not let yourselves be found unprepared, but be always ready to enter with Me into the Kingdom of my Father. Your earth is stained with the blood of your brethren. It is up to you to cleanse it again from all the offenses and blasphemies against God.

You see how the earth has become still darker and more difficult for you. It is up to you to care for it with your prayers, to give it again a bit of healthy spiritual vigor.

I love you and will not allow Satan to do any more evil than necessary. Dear children, pray and have others pray and I, with my Most Holy Mother, will return among you in the glory of my Father. I bless you in the name of the Blessed Trinity.

Jesus, Son of Most Holy Mary

Jesus, Risen and Merciful

Your Jesus of Mercy has been killed and crucified, but now, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, he is in the highest of heavens.

My dearly beloved children, I love you so much. Unfortunately, you remain few who fulfill my will, but I entrust to you all your non-believing brethren. I desire to bring all my children into joy without end.

Those who do not believe signal, with their sins, their eternal life in darkness, in suffering, in the most incredible bitterness. Dear children, for a little while longer you have time to preserve from eternal death this poor brethren of yours.

The riches in which you live earthly life often open the gates of hell. I have given my life for your salvation and I tell you that, if it were possible, I would return to give my life for them.

I pray you, in these times, signaled by wickedness and wars, the only thing that you can do for the salvation of my perverse people is and remains only prayer, sacrifice, and penitence.

Dear children, you can never understand how great is the sorrow that my non-believing children cause me. They simply cannot lose true life, that which is eternal. Such children, in these last times, have many reasons for returning to Me. Wars must put [them] in their hearts, in addition to physical and even spiritual pain.

Pray, my beloved children, for those who do not know what they are doing! I thank you because your love grants me the joy has been taken away from me by Satan. I love you and bless you.

Jesus, Risen and Merciful

Jesus, Love and Savior

It is I, your Jesus. I want to listen to the prayer of my children, who continue to remember the love of their Jesus under the most heavy wood of the Cross.

My dear children, I thank you at this time of terrible storms. You remain few in number and I need you very much, you who, with courage, continue along the most difficult way that leads to salvation.

The world is making itself all the more incredulous toward Me, toward my Father, and my Mother, She who continues to intercede without rest before the Father so that He have compassion on his children poorest in Spirit.

My daughter, my cenacle continues to raise prayers without tiring and this gives me such joy. Pray for all my consecrated ones who no longer respect the promises made to me in their Consecration.

Satan is making a massacre of this most beloved sons of mine. He blinds them with false hopes and they fall into temptation. Dear children, offer me your prayers and sufferings for these who are dear to me but weak consecrated children.

It would be the end, this direction could even be your spiritual death, being no longer able to feed on the Eucharist, which keeps you alive and preserves you from every evil. My children, be always aware that without God there is no more life.

My return with my Mother is indispensable for your salvation. For this reason, the times of our return among you are drawing shorter in order to give the possibility of salvation to all our most beloved children, favorite and sovereign race.

I bless you, my beloved. Remain united in my name and soon you will be free from the chains of Satan.

Jesus, Love and Savior

Jesus, Risen from the Dead

My daughter, it is your Jesus and I come to you to give you strength and courage in these last times. I will certainly not cause you fear. I am He who loves all his children without distinction.

You have been created to return to He who has thought of you forever. Why does all this fear invade your heart? I am with you in particular when you are taken by fear. I pray you, think about the love that I have shown in Creation. I want the best for each of you.

Pray to the Father, so that He put an end to these difficult times and open the new world to all his children worthy of peace, joy, love, and sharing of what has marvelously existed for all eternity.

If you are coherent with your creed you will be safe. The certainty that there exists something more durable must take from your heart and your mind this fear that has taken possession of you and no longer lets you live in the freedom that I have given to each of you.

In prayer, only in prayer, will you find that strength that will not abandon you before every obstacle. The devil knows that these are the last times for him to tempt my beloved children and he inculcates fears and concerns in order to make you fall and lose eternal life.

I pray you, draw close to My Body and Blood. Feed on the Eucharist, which satisfies in every moment. I want you all with me and will not let you be tempted for much longer. I have given my life for you and will not allow you to be taken by tricks.

I love you, I console you if you ask me and I will save you from all diabolical traps.

I bless you in the Name of my Father and of the Trinity together.

Jesus, Risen from the Dead

Jesus, Savior of the World

My children, it sorrows me to see such indifference for all that is sacred. You do not understand that the things of the world will pass away, and then you will find only the void around you and within you.

Begin to change, even if slowly, your ways of being. Put your spiritual part in first place because the corporal part will have no more importance.

Heaven will never pass away, I tell you. Prepare yourselves, because I will return when you least expect it. My Most Holy Mother is trembling with expectation, therefore, even for her love, my Father is speeding up the times.

Now I tell you, what will the thousand earthly things for which you have given yourselves over to do serve you? You cannot take even the smallest thing with you. You will need nothing of which you have set aside with such passion.

Begin to take part in the prayers that you have been taught so long ago and which you have forgotten, setting them aside without any kind of importance.

Pray, my children. This is the propitious hour, because Satan has taken all the power that you have given him freely. I am with you and keep you from every evil, but you, turn to Me like the most authoritative of fathers.

My dear children, I repeat: wake up from this satanic slumber. A good confession will free you from the snares of Satan and you will be newly free to choose what is good and right for you.

I bless you. I sign you with the sign of my cross.

Jesus, Savior of the World

Jesus, Eternal Welcome

I, Jesus, tell you: respect my church – one – holy – catholic – apostolic – and you will see the glory of God. What is true cannot be confused with what is mere shame.

I repeat to you: the church is One. I, with my passion and my resurrection, have brought unity for all my children. Remember always that Satan, in every time, has tempted my children, above all regarding this truth.

He will be just a little longer your enemy tempter, but you have my help and that of my Holy Mother. Entrust yourselves to our protection and we assure you that you will not be subject to any oppression.

Dear children, these are the times of which the Gospel has always spoken to you. Now, put into practice all that, until now, has remained only a good read.

I am firmly asking you to put into practice, firstly, all my teachings and to bear witness, if necessary, even with your life. True Christians will have to battle only to render testimony to the true Church.

My dear children, my human life was certainly not easy, but my Father sent me precisely to testify to you of how important Faith is. The Church – Catholic – Apostolic – Roman – is the only one that testify that God is One and Three.

I advise you to walk on this only way that I have first followed and then you will enjoy, with Me, eternal life.

Dear children, have courage, I tell you. I love you and am always with you. Entrust to me your lives. I bless you and protect you from every danger. Human life is brief, but with Me, you will live eternally.

Jesus, Eternal Welcome

Jesus, Victorious

My daughter, it is I, the Victorious Jesus. Let man not dare destroy what my Father and I, with such love, have given to the whole world.

I consider the things I have given you as precious. I allow you to discover what I have created from nothing, but man must not dare dissipate or demolish things and persons according to his own pleasure.

You have begun to destroy instead of building and this, soon, will lead you to your eternal end. My children, you, who are my little remnant, continue with prayer, above all for your brethren who offend God even without knowing it.

Pray for all sinners, so that they might allow me to enter into their hearts, in order to be able to heal the evils of the world. Pray for the children who are receiving only a wicked example, often even from their parents.

Pray for the youth, in whose heads buzz only wicked thoughts, and whose bodies serve to commit impure acts. My dear children, you would merit unbearable punishments but I will certainly not be the one to inflict them; you are destroying yourselves with your own hands.

My children, bear witness. Show with your actions that you are truly children of God, merciful love.

I am near you and I am leading you. Do not lose your way in this moment of hard trial, otherwise it could be too late for a complete conversion. I love you and my Mother is guiding you as only She knows how and is able to do.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, Victorious

Jesus, the Savior

My daughter, your Lent has passed. Perhaps it seemed longer than ever, but what do you want? Do you want to rejoice? Holy Easter has pass by for you but my Cross still remains before you, lest you forget my tribulation.

Perhaps you have not yet understood that my suffering for you has not yet passed. Rather, these times are a weight upon my shoulders greater than what I carried on the way to Calvary.

Dear children, continue to offer me your sufferings. I need them to save many souls from the fires of hell. Pray, keep doing penance, offer me prayers, so that I can show to the Father your good faith.

My Mother has not yet finished suffering for you. She, the Queen, has made herself small and poor to help me save many souls of yours from hell.

Perhaps you are not yet aware of the danger through which you are passing, not for your body, but for your spiritual life, your eternal life. Help me to save many brethren of yours who run the risk of spending eternity among the flames.

Believe me, I do not want to frighten you, but I want to lead you into my kingdom, which is a kingdom of peace, of love, and of eternal happiness. Dear children, be happy to be helpful to me; do not turn away from this.

Pray and make others pray, because this pandemic will not save many souls without your prayers. I believe in you; for this reason I invite you to help me in this moment. I bless you. Bring my blessing wherever you go. I will give you a hundredfold.

Peace to you.

Jesus, the Savior

Jesus, Suffering but Victorious

My dear children, you need my powerful blessing. I, Jesus the Christ, bless you: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with all of you, with your families, and upon all my children who follow my Word.

My children, how many Judases are on your earth. I suffer infinitely; for this reason, I need you, your offerings, your prayers that come from the heart.

But how do you not understand that Easter is truly near? You are leading me to the Cross and I suffer immensely. I love you, dear children. Pray for all my children who do not believe, such that I may give them time for conversion and they might ask pardon for all their sins.

The Via Crucis for me is growing every day longer and more sorrowful. Hell is every day gathering more sinners, who are howling for the pains that they are beginning to undergo.

Dear children, make it such that many children, in these last days, be able to repent and ask you and other Christians to enter in and take part in your Church and mine: Catholic, apostolic, and Roman. Faith means only one thing, to follow my commandments.

I ask you to bring the many children who are far away back to my Church. Satan is making too many victims, all obedient to his false promises. Poor children of mine, time is running swiftly. Do not lose it following false promises and false adorers.

Riches bring one far from humility, charity, and all the less to my holy obedience. I love you. All of you are under my protection.

Jesus, Suffering but Victorious

Jesus, Who Died in Order to Rise

Dear children, your Jesus begins to live among people. He is not always welcome, but rather he is often derided and vilified. But he does not, for this reason, love his children less.

I tell you this so that you might understand that in the times to come, you must not love your brethren less who do not show themselves to be such with you. Goodness, charity, love, often do not go hand in hand on earth.

I tell you, love your enemy if you want to bear witness to my love. I have always shown to whoever seeks to deride me, that my Father has sent me among you, to make you know true love.

The times in which you are living are certainly not the best and, for this reason, you must demonstrate that where there is love, there will be peace.

Be benevolent with all. Help whoever needs you. Do not let your distraction avoid good and do evil. Be perfect as He who has sent me is perfect.

Love always and do not hate, because you will know disappointment and bitterness. You know well that my end would have been the Cross, but, my children, you will know my love if you are ready to embrace the cross as soon as it is presented to you.

The ancient serpent still uses falsehood today to make you fall into his snares. Be shrewd. In temptation run right away to prayer. Entrust your problems to my Mother and yours. be calm and sure that, near us, you are always safe.

Bear patiently whoever does not demonstrate love to you and your prize will be the beatific vision in heaven.

Jesus, Who Died in Order to Rise