Jesus, Trinitarian Son

Dear children, the Second Person of the Trinity is with you. Let prayer always be your strength. The times in which you are living bring only confusion and obscurity. My light will always shine for you. Fear not; it will not be lacking for you even when all is fulfilled.

I love you and cannot leave you to the mercies of the ancient serpent. I pray you to listen with much attention to what my Mother continues to remind you. With her you will always have the certitude of living in my Light. Understand well that when darkness comes, it will not be thus for you. My Blessing will reinforce your spirit and you will be full of truth and personal strength. No one will be able to penetrate your spirit to do you evil.

Continue to behave correctly. Never lose trust in faith because only by not distancing yourselves from the creed of your fathers will you be able to remain steadfast in the trials that you are going to face. You are my children on whom my favor rests. Continue to love your brethren, especially those who do not love you.

Be always attentive not to give bad example. Help those who do not have faith like you, because the demon will try them until the end, until he lead them into the depths of hell. Dear children, if I tell you these things it is so that you not find yourselves unprepared for the time of shadows.

May the Light be always with you and with all those dear to you. Your prayers will bear fruit more than you can imagine. Be always ready to welcome our counsels even if they seem, sometimes, inconceivable. I bless you; be always united in my Name.

Jesus, Trinitarian Son

Jesus, Infinite Love

Dear children, whatever you do, do it with love and for love. My obedient children are recognized only by this. In this times of worry and bitterness, you and your brethren need sweetness and truth, that truth that always comes from love.

My children, one cannot live for himself or for his own wants and fulfillment. I have taught you with the example that love can be shown and then given only in one way, by giving oneself.

It is not easy to actualize what I am telling you, but precisely for this reason have I given you prayer. I myself have called upon my Father in the moment of suffering. Be imitators of me; never forget my example.

More and more every day do you need love. The fulfillment of the world is fleeting but my love will never pass away. Even for you will it be this way: love, sacrificing yourselves for others; love with the heart, that is, with spiritual love.

Remember, not the one who says, “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father. And his will you know: to love your neighbor as yourself.

Dear children, I tell you even this as well: love yourselves first and then you will be able to love others as yourselves. Respect and obey my Word means to love oneself and to love.

My Mother always brings you “the Word”; make use of it, contemplate it. Make use of it more than your own will. Love – love – love; all the rest doesn’t count. Without love, all would become bitter and useless and impossible.

May my blessing fill your hearts with tender love.

Jesus, Infinite Love

Jesus, Your Savior

My daughter, why do you say, “My heart does not know how to love one hundred percent”? Do you not yet understand that in your heart it is I?

Reassured, then, love like I let you love your brethren, be always sincere, speak in My name, evangelize like you know how with all your limits and I will continue to suggest to you what I want you to say.

Be serene, then, and remember that what issues from your mouth is my suggestion. Love your brethren and continue to take them aside when they are in error because it is what I want.

Be truthful and assured in speaking. My suggestions will not lead you to say inaccurate things. Give Me the responsibility when someone reproves you for being too self-assured in speaking.

Write and continue to bring forward my suggestions. So many of my children do not love enough; for this reason they doubt what I tell you. To love means even to suffer. I have given you the example. Live even in suffering, my Will, and all will go in the right direction.

Offer me you sorrows, above all those on the spiritual level, in the certitude that they will not be lost. How many of your brethren will be saved by your offerings! Have you never thought of this?

Dear children, I ask from all of you this kind of offering. You will soon see the fruits from it that will ripen in you and for love, only for love.

I am near you, I support you, I bless you so that your strength multiplies for the good of your brethren. My Mother loves you and always intercedes for you.

Jesus, Your Savior

Jesus, He Who Will Return

Have you understood, dear children, what I told my disciples? Why do you look [up] at me? Just as I have ascended into heaven, so will I return descending among you. My children, so dear to me, I am your Jesus and will come, or rather, will return among you on your earth.

All the signs that I have been giving you to believe in Me and in my second coming are not enough for you, but I tell you: pray, repent, and with a good confession I will remit your sins. Then you will be ready, like a bride who awaits her spouse.

My dear children, your earth has been destroyed by your own hands. Not even the animals have disobeyed the Creator like you have. Unfortunately, you will no longer be able to set things right, not even a bit. I love you and do not want to lose you; it is for this reason that I can no more protract my coming among you.

I recommend to you, each of you, to be obedient to my words. If I come again to you it is to plead with you to change your life, to love my Father, to respect and follow all the messages that my Mother has been leaving you for a long time.

You follow every fashion, but you do not understand that to follow my way no changes are needed? My Word Is and will remain one. There is no before and after. The “Word” is one and there is no question. The sun rises and sets, but my Word will never set.

Dear children, believe me when I tell you that no one will be able to love you like I love you. I have given my life for all of you. Each of you is unique and unrepeatable for me.

Wake up from this slumber. Leave behind every kind of drug and give your heart the joy that it needs to live in peace. I give you my peace and I bless you.

Jesus, He Who Will Return

Jesus and the Spirit of God

May the Holy Spirit descend upon you, your families, and upon all the cenacles of prayer. You know very well that without the presence of the Spirit, your prayer would not bear its fruit.

My dear children, never tire of calling upon the Spirit, because his strength alone can change your life. Fatigue will leave you to let enter within you his strength, his love and holy fear, his joy, his life.

The times are coming to fulfillment. Be true witnesses of faith, now more than ever does the whole world need my help. What do you think you can do without my support? Man, in himself, would collapse at every dash of his foot.

The power to go forward, amidst suffering and sorrow, you can only find in Me. My help strengthens you, enlivens you, sanctifies you. You know well that my presence is infinite power. None of you could live only by material things.

How often, even in suffering, do you feel serene and happy? And why, instead, enjoying the things of the world, are you never fully satisfied? You are born from the hands of God, and for this reason you can never live fully far from Him.

Dear children, the Trinity fills you in every moment with true life, gives you counsel, sanctifies you, and totally enlivens you. Do not distance yourselves from your God. You would be like sheep without a shepherd. All the things of the world that you possess will never be enough to full your voids.

I show you the way. Fear not; no one can do you wrong or diminish your faith – I will not allow it.

I bless you, my such beloved children. Be always ready to listen to my voice.

Jesus and the Spirit of God

The Lord of Life

I am the Lord your God; you shall not have any other god beside Me.

Behold, my children, in these times of confusion, keep these Words of mine well in your mind. Be consistent with your faith. Do not adore other gods, because all that is of the world is not spiritually adorable.

My Mother, on this feast day, blesses you and promises you her Maternal protection. I want to offer you, once again, my Cross. Embrace it, because only by loving and carrying the cross will you become, to all intents and purposes, my disciples.

It is not suffering that carries your hearts far from Me, but your not accepting the cross.

I recommend to you, my children, that you be always ready to my personal calls. For each one of you I have a plan; if you can respect it and carry it forward, you will be paid with my money. I am with you, fear not, offer me your sufferings. I will make good use of these offerings of yours to save many of your needy brethren.

Your Mother awaits from you your requests. The number of her affectionate children has greatly diminished. It is up to you to be able to convince those dear to you to entrust themselves to the one true Mother.

You see, as on your earth things are precipitating, it is Satan, who, making use of my weakest children, will destroy all your goods. I tell you, my beloved children, be apostles always ready for the spiritual needs of those furthest away.

You know well that, for this, the eternal prize of your God awaits you. I recommend to you, in particular, the children and the youth who are increasingly choosing the wrong roads. Bring back my sheep; your Pastor awaits them with open arms.

I bless you through the hands of my priest. Peace to you.

The Lord of Life

Jesus, Crucified

My dear children, I will have compassion on you who continue to follow the counsels of my Mother. I pray you to accompany me in the remembrance of my Passion, lived out by me for your one good.

I consecrate you to my pierced Heart and I promise you that I will listen to all your laments precisely in remembrance of my Passion.

Dear children, you will be persecuted like me, derided, dragged through the mud with every kind of accusation, but I tell you: blessed are you if you face all trials as I have taught you, that is, with all possible love.

My Mother has suffered together with Me for you. Call upon her in your moment of need and I assure you that you will not feel alone. Offer me the bitterness of your hearts. In these times you will not rejoice, but you can live them out in function of your freedom from the slavery of the devil.

He knows that, for him, these are the last days and he will take for himself all the time that you, perhaps unwittingly, will give him. Dear children, be my last apostles of peace. Call upon Mary when you are living through difficult moment. She will be close to you in the same way that she was for Me, her Son.

I will preserve from the evil one all those who choose truth and love of God. Never lose hope. Know that my Church will not perish, but unfortunately it must face very hard trials.

I love you. Live this week, in which you remember my Passion, in a simple but coherent way, in prayer and in silence. You know well that after the passion comes the resurrection.

Entrust yourselves to my great love. Do not doubt even when all seems lost because, precisely in those moments you will be freed from evil and will live in true joy. I bless you. Become saints.

Jesus, Crucified

Jesus, He Who Conquers the Shadows

Dear children, we are here with you, my Mother and I.

Continue to pray, because only in this way will you feel us close, be it in good times or in trials. Dear children, of trials you will have to face many, and prayer will serve to give you strength and consolation.

The times in which you are living are difficult, but my Word is true and purifying. Whoever wishes to follow our way will certainly arrive at its destination.

We are always next to each of you and the strength to fight will never be lacking for you. Seek always to make your appearance more welcoming. The persons whom you encounter every day must enjoy your presence and your encouragements.

We, unfortunately, cannot offer our graces to those who believe themselves able to live with only their strength.

Dear children, we count on you. Evangelize with love. Call back those in error, but always with sweetness and calm. All that is done with love is blessed by your Father. Be merciful toward all. Let your speaking be yes-yes, no-no; all the rest comes from the devil.

Do not sit upon a cathedra to bring my Word but be humble. Speak always with sweetness. Let the truth be always on your lips and we will always suggest what is best to say. Do not show off your knowledge, because the devil can interfere in your speaking.

In this time of Lent, unite prayer to your fasts. Speak little and work hard to produce the best results. We need you. My children must reform themselves and believe in Us if they want to enjoy the benefits of eternal life.

My Mother encourages you and blesses you together with Me.

Jesus, He Who Conquers the Shadows

Merciful Jesus

My dear children, I will not leave you on your own; my promise is valid now and forever. I lead you; where would my sheep go without a shepherd?

Dear children, I am and will always be with you. Prepare yourselves to live out this Lent with passion, my passion; do not forget it, because it is synonymous with love. I love you and will not leave, even for a moment, my flock.

Pray not to fall into temptation, because the ancient serpent will not abandon you easily. Some of you are not aware of the times in which you are living, but he knows well these times.

He will not let you live out your spirituality serenely. He will seek in every way to lead you on his ways. Pray more and with more feeling. Do not let yourselves be taken by thoughts that do not belong to your God.

Let this period be profitable. Give me your hearts; I will purify them from every beginning of sin. I will lead you by the hand, one by one, where Satan will no longer be able to do anything against you.

Let prayer be always your standard. Do not be ashamed to belong to the Church – Catholic, apostolic, and holy. You will never find me outside my Church.

Let your living always be coherent with your Christian ideals. Love each other as I have loved you. Let yourselves be led by my love, and you will live out even the most difficult days in serenity and joy.

Remember that the cross should be welcomed and carried in the hope that it will lead you to eternal glory. I bless you from the heights of my cross. Let it be your boast of love. Whoever loves cannot be motivated by wicked actions.

Let my blessing be your strength.

Merciful Jesus

Jesus, Your Eternal Savior

My dear children, but what is happening to you! My heart bleeds for all your offenses and my Father will not support for much longer this gratuitous wickedness of yours, first among yourselves and then with the blasphemies directed toward heaven.

Just a bit longer and then each of you will have to settle accounts with He who has your life in his hands. Love no longer exists on your earth and, so, all crashes down and dissolves. I love you, but you have arrived at a point of no return.

My Mother weeps for her disobedient children and yet tries everything to save her children, but the justice of God will soon make itself seen and heard by each of you.

Dear children, wake up from this deep sleep and force yourselves to return to being those children who once lived in the love of God. Your earth will no longer receive your abuses and, then, even famine will make itself felt.

Convert before it is too late. Choose life and not eternal death. You lament for a little setback, for a physical pain, for a lack regarding yourselves, but do you not understand that the fire of hell will be forever?

Do you want to choose to suffer pains? It is for you, for your good sense and your daily activity, to choose: hell, eternal suffering, or paradise, salvation, joy, and consolation.

I have offered my life for each of you. Let yourselves be guided by my Word. Listen to the parable that have opened the hearts of your predecessors. Be more aware that what you are choosing in this earthly life will be forever.

Dear children, let my blessing touch your hearts deeply.

Jesus, Your Eternal Savior