Mary, your Mother

Dear children, I pray always for you as you ask me to, but you, do you then behave according to my intentions? You know well that my desires are all directed toward your salvation.

Your times are reaching fulfillment. I implore you, stick to my counsels. My Son has offered himself for you, but you have understood that if you do not do his will, you will not enter to take part in his kingdom.

I pray so that your hermetic hearts open to the love of God. In obedience to him you will find happiness. Be charitable towards each other, and you will notice that, all of a sudden, your life will improve and the spirit that dwells in you will fill you with every grace.

Seek to imitate the saints that you have had on earth. Their example will give you the certainty that what you are doing to imitate them will be the approval needed to enter to take part in eternal joy.

Your earth no longer gives you what you need, but if you are obedient to the laws of God, you will not lack what is necessary. Multiply moments of prayer and give good example with word and deeds.

I am near to you. Listen to what I counsel you and do not be afraid of the negative things that you will see in the days to come. Victory is with your God and Satan is at the end of his days.

Pray so that every child of mine can reach the heavenly goal. I bless you, children, I protect you under my mantle. My Son will forgive your sins if you are obedient.

Mary, your Mother

Mary, the Queen

My such beloved children, I, Mary, your Mother and Queen of heaven and earth, am again at the center of my cenacle to spur you to prayer. You must understand that without my help you will not be able to go the the eternal city. This evening, the Queen wants to help you on the way that you are facing trudgingly, to reach its goal.

My dear children, seek to understand that one cannot face the voyage without helps. If you do not know the road, if no one indicates to you the way, how can you arrive at the place foreseen for eternal joy? You seek joy but in the wrong way. You dwell too much on the things that the material world offers you and you forget that the spirit that is in you from the beginning of time cannot enjoy your ephemeral joys.

I, the Queen of heaven and earth, want this evening to take each of you by the hand and guide you only the only route to take to arrive at the true goal. You will then taste true joy, the angels and saints will make you a crown, when you finally return to enjoy eternal joy.

May the crown of my rosary always be in your hands. The evil one will fear you, he will not be able to draw near to tempt you and make you fall into eternal flame. Believe me, dear children, eternal punishment exists and I do not want to lose any of my most beloved children. Call upon my help and I will bring you to the feet of my Son to have him bless you.

My dear children, be aware that your Queen can help you to overcome every obstacle.

Mary, the Queen

Mary, Assumed into Heaven

My dearest children, today I come to you in joy. My body, in deep slumber, has been transported by the angels into the Heavenly Homeland. The Son has wanted his Most Holy Mother forever with Him. The Heavenly Father has waited for his most beloved daughter with great desire.

I pray for you, on this anniversary of mine; I want to be near to each one of you. I desire to speak with you personally. If you are able to make a bit of silence in your hearts, I will suggest to you what to do along the path of your life. In this moment you are in anguish, like a woman in labor, but soon you will be able to see the light and then your fears, your anxieties, your concerns will vanish in order to leave room for the sanctifying grace of God. You will be joyful because sin will no longer be able to discourage your hearts.

Desire what is best for you and seek to conquer your corner of heaven. Life then will be true joy and full happiness. We will live side by side for ever. You will forget all the earthly sufferings and you will be able to rejoice in your Heavenly Mother.

Do not let yourselves be tempted by the ancient serpent. Each of you understands and feels in your heart if it is Jesus speaking or the devil tempting. You feel the desire for earthly things and he insists on satisfying you, but right after, in the same way, he takes away what he has just given you, deceiving you.

Listen today to my words. I teach you the way that leads to God even if it seems less comfortable in your eyes. My special blessing, today, is upon my Cenacle. Be true witnesses of Christ. I love you and console you.

Mary, Assumed into Heaven

Mary, Mother of God

You invoke me as Mother of God, and yet I am above all an advocate before the Father and the Son for all my children. Never forget that you have a Mother who can intercede for all your requests.

I invoke above all pardon for the offenses that in every moment arrive before God from your planet. My dear children, as Mother of God, today I ask: change your way of life. Do not think about the things of the world, but remember that in the end all of you will be called to account for your actions.

So many of my children no longer ask for help. They do not believe in my intercession. They do not ask because they believe they no longer need my help, from the moment when they themselves have taken the place of God.

Pride becomes your master and you feel yourselves above everything. Dear children, unfortunately for you it is not so. Be humble and turn your gaze toward heaven. There is your hope, your salvation – or your death for ever.

Hell is a place of perdition, of destruction, of suffering for eternity. God is He who has created everything from nothing and you are called to respect and love toward all of nature.

You have destroyed all that surrounds you and now you are paying for it. Behold, I, your Mother of God, with my intercession I can restore what you have damaged.

You, my little remnant, be always ready to ask me to intervene before God, or you will no longer be able to take any steps, any benefit.

I promise you that I am always before God and I never tire of praying for you.

Mary, Mother of God

The Lord Jesus

My such dearly beloved children, respect for my commandments will be your salvation. You have joked around too much already – now seek to recover what you have lost. You chase after the latest fashions and seek to follow them to the letter in order to be up to the standards of or at least on par with those who count the most.

My children, from now on let your way of following be to recognize the commandments as the only way of life to follow in order to remain on the crest of the wave not just for a period of time, but for all eternity.

I have told you many times that my commandments are “counsels” for being able to merit my Kingdom with the greatest possibility at your last choice. The “yes” or “no” to salvation will be precisely the respect that you will have had toward these ten counsels.

As a father cares about the education of his own children for success in this life, so your Father who is in heaven educates you for ultimate success, that of meriting eternal life.

You shall not have any other god beside Me. All the gods that you often put in pride of place will carry you off the path. Recognize in time that what one should follow absolutely is the will of God.

Let the will of my Father be your guide, your route, your arrival. The world is carrying you ever farther from my ways. Seek to return soon to the will of the Father. Playing for yet more time could turn out negative.

Open the catechism; return, children, study to the depths what you need most to travel along the right way. I bless you. Be true witnesses. Seek to speak to your brethren, tell them that salvation comes only in respect for the commandments.

The Lord Jesus