Mary, the Consoler

My dear children, my cenacles burn with love for me, but they are however a meager number. Pray that in the Church of my Son they multiply. As yet so many of you do not understand how important prayer is.

You have a Father who loves you unconditionally and without any merit on your part, and very many of his children do not yet understand what they are losing without the spiritual closeness of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Call upon God, even for these brethren of yours who are deaf to so much love. They deceive themselves that the things of the world can give them what they want, but, alas, it will never be that way.

Teach them that without nourishing the spiritual part, of vital importance, they will not completely come to joy. Community prayer would give them the more important love.

Always remember that where two or more are gathered in His Name, there God is. And what else is there to desire? Only when the heart and the spirit are totally satisfied will you find perfection.

I have been instructing you for some time; now give to your brethren what you have received in so many of my messages. Speak of my Son without fear and without shame. Be proud of the love that you receive in every moment from the Most Holy Trinity and give it in large quantities to those who do not know how to ask.

You are our little remnant and we are counting on you in these last times of sorrow and fight between brothers. I still give you my love. May the blessing of Jesus give you the courage to confront the crosses that come forward to you every day.

Offer your sufferings for the Church and for priests. I am with you; do not be afraid.

Mary, the Consoler

Mary, Mother of All Peoples

My dearest children, when you understand the importance of the holy rosary, you will have the joy of my love. You know very well that I love you absolutely. I am the Mother of all peoples, and not even one of my children is outside my heart.

Prayer brings you close to my heart. For this reason, with great ease you can obtain the graces necessary for you. Call upon my name and I will respond with joy to your demands.

Only with prayer can you draw close to our hearts. Jesus gives you his Spirit together with his Father, and you will be safe in the very moment that you understand these things.

Speak to our hearts with sincerity. Ask for salvation for the whole Church, for your families, and for your beloved who have passed on to new life. Even they need your prayers to rise to us from Purgatory, place of expiation, to the Heavenly homeland.

Be truly convinced that only by meriting the eternal prize can you live with true joy, true peace, true love. May the crown of the holy rosary be always with you. You can defeat the times to come only with my weapon, that I have entrusted to each of you.

I desire that you speak about and make known the Marian weapon to all those dear to you. Time is pressing and I want to find welcoming me all my dear and beloved children. You will merit an eternal prize if you listen to these words of mine.

I love you and desire all of you at my side. You know well that a mother is one who gives her life for her children, and for this reason I desire the best for them.

Keep my weapon always with you and fear not; I love you and will protect you. I desire to have you all with Me.

Mary, Mother of All Peoples

Sorrowful Mary

My dear ones, I don’t know what to say anymore to change your hearts. My daughter, do you now understand why I kept telling you that my eyes stream tears of blood? My children have lost the true meaning of life.

You are a mother and can understand my sufferings. If you do not put my Son back in first place, you will lose everything in your possession.

Dear children, I am at your complete disposition, but almost none of you put in first place the Author of life. Every day that passes, instead of understanding better, almost every one of you falls into depression.

There can no longer be joy in your hearts if you eliminate from your life the Author of joy. How can you think to continue to wound mortally our hearts? Life should be lived out by giving first place to Him who has given his life for you.

Whoever loves gives all that he has to the person he loves. You, with your mouths, say you love my Son, but your hearts draw far from Him more and more every day. What do you still demand of Him? You do not even know the true meaning of love.

My dear children, from this evening on, meditate on the sorrowful mysteries. Seek to understand what LOVE means, otherwise you will repent bitterly of all your mistakes. I call you because I love you, certainly not because you merit our love.

Dear children, I have never cried over my children as much as in these times. Convert, otherwise you will no longer have time to do so. Ask fervently for the remission of your sins. Repent, dear children; just a little while longer and then all will slip from your hands.

The lord of the world will demand an accounting of you. Do not disappoint Me; I love you and for yet a little while I will be able to intercede for your poor, cold, and hard hearts. I bless you. Treasure these words of mine.

Sorrowful Mary

The Lord of Life

I am the Lord your God; you shall not have any other god beside Me.

Behold, my children, in these times of confusion, keep these Words of mine well in your mind. Be consistent with your faith. Do not adore other gods, because all that is of the world is not spiritually adorable.

My Mother, on this feast day, blesses you and promises you her Maternal protection. I want to offer you, once again, my Cross. Embrace it, because only by loving and carrying the cross will you become, to all intents and purposes, my disciples.

It is not suffering that carries your hearts far from Me, but your not accepting the cross.

I recommend to you, my children, that you be always ready to my personal calls. For each one of you I have a plan; if you can respect it and carry it forward, you will be paid with my money. I am with you, fear not, offer me your sufferings. I will make good use of these offerings of yours to save many of your needy brethren.

Your Mother awaits from you your requests. The number of her affectionate children has greatly diminished. It is up to you to be able to convince those dear to you to entrust themselves to the one true Mother.

You see, as on your earth things are precipitating, it is Satan, who, making use of my weakest children, will destroy all your goods. I tell you, my beloved children, be apostles always ready for the spiritual needs of those furthest away.

You know well that, for this, the eternal prize of your God awaits you. I recommend to you, in particular, the children and the youth who are increasingly choosing the wrong roads. Bring back my sheep; your Pastor awaits them with open arms.

I bless you through the hands of my priest. Peace to you.

The Lord of Life

Mary, Mother of the Church

Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord! My dear children, I who am the Mother of Jesus have obeyed the Father through the annunciation of the angel. My children, let the will of God always be fulfilled, otherwise you would not know where to go.

The ways of the world lead only to one place. Realize this as soon as possible, or it will be too late. I pray you, do not play for time. The time is closing in. Seek to obey my Son, only He is the Sure Way.

My love for you is great, but only with your help can I offer your sufferings, your offerings, your prayers. Be solicitous; only if you demonstrate to yourselves that, by willing it, you can arrive at the heart of Jesus, will you be true apostles of the end times.

Pray and get others to pray. Accompany your prayers with good works toward all your brethren, even toward those who do not love you. You know that so many hearts will open precisely thanks to what you will know how to demonstrate to them.

Only with your loving demonstration will my distant children return to us. Be true witness of Christ and yours will be the Kingdom of heaven.

I am guiding you, I am showing you the ways, I am helping you in the difficulties that are appearing before you. Be assured that your sufferings, your troubles, your worries, will vanish before the loving mercy of Jesus.

Fear not, have no fear. You know well that fears come from the ancient serpent. You are protected and he cannot do anything against you when you carry Jesus for the peace of the world. My dear children, in the certitude of your obedience to your Father, I bless you, I guide you, I protect you, and I love you.

Be Saints. In this dark time, be light.

Mary, Mother of the Church