Jesus, Son and God

I in you, you in Me. My dear daughter, you have become poor in spirit only because you do not believe in that which you cannot see with your eyes and touch with your hands.

Dear children, the Holy Spirit dwells in you from your first breath. His breath has given you life and yet many of you struggle to believe in the third Person of the Trinity.

I speak with you often to be able to draw you near. I send my Mother to evangelize you, but how can you enjoy our closeness if so many of my consecrated ones struggle to understand and admit that we visit our beloved children?

Dear children, I ask you warmly, pray today for my consecrated ones, so that they find the strength and the courage to open their hearts and believe that with God all things are possible.

If they truly loved the flock entrusted to them, they would not struggle at all to believe in our coming among you. Pray, I tell you, so that in humility they might recognize the goodness of God in your midst.

I want to count on you. Bear witness without fear and in all sincerity, that our love surrounds your earth and even the remotest corner of it, We Are. Pray that my church not be divided; true love unites. Where there is no union, there is no true love.

I am with you. I have offered all of Myself for your salvation. I want all of you to return, in joy and in eternal life, in order to rejoice, without end, in Trinitarian Love and in the maternal embrace of my Mary and your Mother.

I bless you. Rejoice in my protection. Have faith.

Jesus, Son and God

Jesus, the Love of God

My dearest children, Pentecost has given you my Spirit; be blessed now and always. My spirit is life. I want you to remember this well, because you can get through the times in which you are living and be victorious only if you are filled with true life, that which I have given you for eternity.

Reflect on the things of the Spirit, because the world will pass away but eternity will never pass away. I tell you: be ready. The Father will give what he promises. After the offering of the Son through the Cross, what has been promised you will follow.

His glory will fill all those who are pure of heart and you will finally become true inheritors. Eternity is for you, obedient children. It will be above all a consolation; that which the world has not been able to give you, the Spirit will grant you forever.

Do you understand, my children, what forever means? In eternity you will be completely filled with supernatural gifts. Now you are imperfect, but afterward, perfection will make you true beings filled with every grace.

For this reason, I pray you to listen to and put into practice my commandments. As a good father, I can only counsel you good things. Be obedient children and do not turn away from them.

I, Jesus, Second Person of the Trinity, have not filled your ears with words but I have filled your hearts with goodness, fraternity, and peace.

If you respect what I have suggested to you and demonstrated from the height of that cross, be sure of this: my Kingdom will be open to each of you and we will finally enjoy together the joys of my Father.

I bless you. May the Third Person of the Trinity fill you hearts and shower them with true joy.

Jesus, the Love of God

Mary, Full of Grace

Peace to you and to your families. My dear children, you do not need to fantasize. The days in which you are living are difficult days, but this does not oblige you to make the Word of God into a fable or a story for people of little faith.

I am with you. I never speak with you on my own, but what I tell you is suggested to me by the clear word of my Son. One should not joke about eternal life. God is the Creator of the world; he has sent his Only-Begotten Son upon earth to free you from the sin of your first parents.

This is not enough. Dear children, you are a stiff-necked people. See, then, the promise of my Jesus, that he will return again to you with his second coming. This must be for you a fertile time. Do not go too quickly; be patient, and above all let hope not lessen with you.

My Son will return among you. Be ready, do not waste the time that still remains for you in vain words, but let your works be for a good example and not a wicked one. Be bringers of peace and of truth, of love and of sharing. In particular, make my coming among you fertile. Even you, become evangelizers, be coherent, let your word always be followed by good and holy works.

Ask, says Jesus, and it will be given to you, but to ask does not mean to suggest to my Son what he must do, but to have trust that what you really need He already knows and, if it will be good for you, you will have it through prayer.

Have faith. If you believe you will have eternal life. All the rest is not important. Earthly life is only a passage. I bless you; have patience and such, such faith.

Mary, Full of Grace

Mary, Mother of Love

My dear children, call upon me – Mother – and I will come to you. The duty of a mother is first of all to love her children unconditionally. Listen to me today, it is your Mother who speaks to you to instruct you about the days in which you are living.

Do not fear, because whoever believes in Me and in my most beloved Son is in sure hands. Let nothing disturb you, because your destinies are in our hands.

Love, first of all, as I am teaching you and remember that love heals, purifies, blesses, forgives. See, now put into practice these suggestions.

Love heals; yes, I tell you, so many ills originate from non-love. The heart suffers, the spirit that is within you suffers, and then your body pays for these sufferings.

If you love you will be purified, blessed, and forgiven by my Son and your life will change. Bless and do not curse. Jesus has taught you from the wood of the Cross. The blessings that you send to your brethren will return to you doubly.

After blessings, forgiveness will be automatic. As you forgive, in the same way will you be forgiven. My dear children, you will savor true joy in this way, because my Son will be with you.

Whoever lives in love will enjoy every earthly and spiritual good. Smiles will abound on your mouths and the peace that you will have in the depths of your heart will invade even your brethren who will draw near to you.

Remember that the love of Jesus will never pass away. His Word assures you every time you make it your own. Whoever lives in love will need to fear nothing. Jesus says: “Love one another as I have loved you; from this they will recognize that you are my children” (Jn 13,34-35).

I bless you, my dear children. Love – love – love, and you will be saved.

Mary, Mother of Love

Mary, Eternal Joy

My dear children, peace to you and to all my children of good will. Today I want to speak to you of eternal rest. I imagine what you are thinking and I see upon your faces a veil of sadness.

My children, you cannot know what a marvelous thing rest is, true rest! You know that when one speaks of eternity your reaction is always of sadness. I love you and wish for you from the bottom of my heart that you all be able to savor the beauty of such rest.

Your human body causes fatigue for you at every movement to which you submit it. It will no longer be thus; you will live a new life without fatigue. You will always be fresh, you will always be young, you will always be rested and happy as never before.

Eternity means “for ever” and this word causes you fear because you do not understand ultimately what this word represents. Always to be well should fill your hearts with joy, but you cannot understand this feeling until you are ready to know it completely.

“For ever” is to live the moment in its totality. Time no longer ticks away, the hours and the night will leave behind the darkness. All will be light, warmth, and infinite beauty. But how can you imagine all this if on the earth day is always followed by night?

My dear children, prepare yourselves to enjoy what eternity will offer you. You will no longer have fatigue, you will no longer need a watch to rule your life. Divine Light will be your sun and your spirit will enjoy eternal rest. Therefore, beginning from today, when you think about this kind of rest rejoice. Begin to see it as I have just illustrated what is eternal.

From eternity I bless you and I pray for you and your true rest.

Mary, Eternal Joy