Jesus, Grace and Love

I am with you and my Mother is with Me. I see in your hearts uncertainty and fear, but do you know why? Your spirit has been silenced and distanced. My very dear children, how is it that you do not understand that your times have reached the end?

I would like that my little remnant keep vigil even over those brethren dazed and confused by the vicissitudes that you are going through. Children, bear witness that without Me and my Father you will not go far.

I assure you that your fears will disappear only when you understand that decisions come always and everywhere from on high. One God, one Lord, one Creator. You are in our hands and, if you wish, you will feel safe.

If you give your trust only to that which the world offers you, you will have nothing but delusions. You do not understand that on your own you cannot live in my graces. If you do not decide as soon as possible to entrust your life into our reliable hands, you will lose without having realized true willing – that of God, that is, of the best for you.

Choose to bow your heads. If you understand that the greatest love comes from God, then you will resolve all your problems. Soon my Father will choose to purify the earth that he has created with all possible love. You have destroyed all that you have that is good and just.

All will return, after its purification, to the way it was from the beginning. Do not waste any more time. Reflect and choose eternal life, where there will no longer be either suffering or death. I want you with Me.

The Mother, She too extends her hands and blesses you.

Jesus, Grace and Love

Mary, Queen of Hope

I will console you! Am I not the Mother of your Redeemer? I cannot let my children, redeemed by the blood of my Son, fall into the fear and the darkness that the world serves you in large quantities.

You are certainly not navigating tranquil waters but I, precisely for this reason, do not leave you without my protection, not even for an instant.

My dear children, continue to pray with the rosary in hand, the only weapon that protects you and that will protect you until the end. Your earth is prostrate; it no longer supports your daily acts of destruction.

If you cannot respect your earth, which supports you, how can you believe without seeing in the heaven that is above you? But there am I, all my angels, all the saints that have gone before you and who intercede continually for you and those dear to you.

Believe, love, pray: if one of these words is missing from your life, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Only by considering these three little words can you think about the kingdom of God that waits for you with joy.

My dear children, there is no more love in you. You live to stockpile all that seems useful to you but it is not useful. Place yourselves in silence for a moment, meditate on these three words, think about how much you could have lost until now without bringing to fulfillment three healthy and blessed sentiments.

Withdraw into silence. I assure you that you will be able to hear our voices, which suggest to you the right prayers to move the heart of that God who receives from his children only offenses.

I bless you. Be serene even if these times are not the best. Remember, I am with you.

Mary, Queen of Hope

Mary, Co-redemptrix

My dear children, you speak often of the future but I advise you to live today. Your time flies; your rhythms are not those of heaven. For this reason, live this time as if it were the last.

What would you do if I told you that your time is reaching the end? Therefore, live every moment as if it were the last. Would the earthly invitation attract you so much, doing so much always to have more, running to meet all the goals you have set?

No, dear children, I advise you to dedicate this life of yours to the things of above. There will serve you nothing of what you chased after with passion on this earth, but it will be asked of you, “How much did you love?” What did you do for your brother in his moment of need?

You, man, did you love your wife like Jesus loves his Church? You, consecrated one, did you celebrate Holy Mass thinking about and living the sacrifice of Christ? You, consecrated woman, did you maintain the promises of chastity, humility, and obedience? You, child, did you look after your aged parents?

See, this is what will open for you the kingdom of heaven. If you have satisfied all this, you will be worthy of your God. Not a mention of your earthly goods will be made if you leave aside such preambles.

My dear children, I speak to you with the love of a mother and I desire that my words be of help to you. Walk always on the straight path, repent of your sins, and your hearts will enjoy the eternal prize.

I bless you. Put into practice my recommendations and you will enjoy them already on this earth.

Mary, Co-redemptrix

Mary, Help of Christians

My dear children, I sign you in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Be aware that under this sign you are safe. No one can do you harm. I close access to your hearts, especially to the evil one.

The Father is always favorable to my requests, just as Jesus and the Holy Spirit are. Therefore, my dear children, ask me often to sign you with the sign of the Cross. Jesus loves you and rushes to my calls.

I am for you freedom from temptations, help in every difficult moment. Like every mother worries about her children, I will do, now and always, all that you need during this journey, more difficult and impassable every day.

My children no longer entrust themselves to Me, but seek refuge in worldly temptations. Remember, though, that all that comes from the other one is impure; it always sullies your consciences until it renders them deaf to my words.

Dear children, draw near often to the confessional. My Son awaits you there and through the confessor he comforts you, gives you words for life from my Son. You will be stronger and will succeed in resisting the advances of the demon.

You will understand better when he wants to trick you with false offers. I sign you often with the sign of the Cross. The ancient serpent flees and gives up approaching you, so signed.

It is not simple to resist him; for this reason protect yourselves with the only sign that he fears. I am with you and I will sign you yet more often, but you need ask my help.

I bless you, I defend you, I protect you from the evil one and from his malevolent temptations.

Mary, Help of Christians