The Father, He Who Is

Your Father is here, among you. Do not wonder about this, because a Father can do nought but visit his most beloved children. It is good for me to be with you. The prayer that fills this house is what I love most.

Dear children, continue to thank Me for all that, in my love, I have willed to give you. I remind you to be salt of the earth because, without you, all would become insipid. Call upon your God and ask for Faith for yourselves and for your brethren.

Unfortunately, on your earth one no longer believes enough. Be evangelizers; bring my Son to your brethren. Never tire of calling upon the Most Holy Trinity and you will be saved.

It is easy to believe in what one sees, but I tell you, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word will never pass away.” It is not hard to believe in God, but it is hard for you to entrust yourselves to One who is greater than you.

Why, my children, do you want to take my place? Do you not know that there is only one God? Only one Lord who has made everything from nothing?

I love you. I have given my Only-Begotten Son for your salvation. What else do you need for believing? I tell you: return soon to my arms, or you will be lost forever.

The sun rises in the morning to draw down the evening. Do not let it be that your hearts no longer see the Dawn. Entrust yourselves to Me; you will be safe forever.

You believe only in what your eyes can show you and in what your hands allow you to touch, but I tell you, that when you finally “see the Glory of God,” you will taste the fullness of joy.

Come to Me, I will give you rest and my love will bring your living to perfection in blessed eternity. I love you, my children. I bless you and protect you until you have conquered the world.

Peace, love, consolation forever.

The Father, He Who Is

Mary, Your Mother

Dear children, peace be with you. I bring you the word of the Son of God and pray so that each of you return to the Father. I seek you out to clarify a bit the words of simple prayer.

When you pray the Hail Mary, seek to meditate well on the words, “Now and at the hour of our death.” My children, so many of my children who pray these words while in sin, I tell you that they are praying precisely for that “moment of death.”

You know well that when one offends God with mortal sin, one is “dead” even to the forgiveness of the Father. There is, then, the other death, that which is corporeal and there, certainly, is the last moment to ask the most important help of your life.

I pray always, incessantly for my beloved children, above all for those who during their lives have struggled to ask my help.

My dear children, when you pray, pay more attention to what the prayer says. Be aware that if you ask with faith, you will be heard not only by Me, but by the Most Holy Trinity, whole and blessed.

The love that God has for you, you cannot imagine it unless you experience it in heaven. It is an infinite love that man will never be able to understand by his intelligence alone.

Pray for yourselves and those dear to you first of all for death to sin. If you defeat it, then add “at the hour of our death.” Understand well that so long as one lives in mortal sin it is useless to ask with prayer.*

Well then, dear children, ask the Father to forgive mortal sin, then to Me, your mother, help for a good – holy – death.

I bless you, dear children. Avoid grave sins and entrust yourselves to your Mother Mary. Jesus blesses you. I assure you of my protection.

Mary, Your Mother


*We understand this to mean not that one should truncate the Hail Mary while in a state of mortal sin, but that one should not presume the forgiveness of mortal sin at the hour of death by merit of the Hail Mary. One should always and immediately seek sacramental confession if in a state of mortal sin. Until that is possible, one should continue to pray, especially the Act of Contrition, which itself can merit forgiveness of sins, even mortal sins (CCC 1452-1453).

Jesus, He Who Conquers the Shadows

Dear children, we are here with you, my Mother and I.

Continue to pray, because only in this way will you feel us close, be it in good times or in trials. Dear children, of trials you will have to face many, and prayer will serve to give you strength and consolation.

The times in which you are living are difficult, but my Word is true and purifying. Whoever wishes to follow our way will certainly arrive at its destination.

We are always next to each of you and the strength to fight will never be lacking for you. Seek always to make your appearance more welcoming. The persons whom you encounter every day must enjoy your presence and your encouragements.

We, unfortunately, cannot offer our graces to those who believe themselves able to live with only their strength.

Dear children, we count on you. Evangelize with love. Call back those in error, but always with sweetness and calm. All that is done with love is blessed by your Father. Be merciful toward all. Let your speaking be yes-yes, no-no; all the rest comes from the devil.

Do not sit upon a cathedra to bring my Word but be humble. Speak always with sweetness. Let the truth be always on your lips and we will always suggest what is best to say. Do not show off your knowledge, because the devil can interfere in your speaking.

In this time of Lent, unite prayer to your fasts. Speak little and work hard to produce the best results. We need you. My children must reform themselves and believe in Us if they want to enjoy the benefits of eternal life.

My Mother encourages you and blesses you together with Me.

Jesus, He Who Conquers the Shadows

Merciful Jesus

My dear children, I will not leave you on your own; my promise is valid now and forever. I lead you; where would my sheep go without a shepherd?

Dear children, I am and will always be with you. Prepare yourselves to live out this Lent with passion, my passion; do not forget it, because it is synonymous with love. I love you and will not leave, even for a moment, my flock.

Pray not to fall into temptation, because the ancient serpent will not abandon you easily. Some of you are not aware of the times in which you are living, but he knows well these times.

He will not let you live out your spirituality serenely. He will seek in every way to lead you on his ways. Pray more and with more feeling. Do not let yourselves be taken by thoughts that do not belong to your God.

Let this period be profitable. Give me your hearts; I will purify them from every beginning of sin. I will lead you by the hand, one by one, where Satan will no longer be able to do anything against you.

Let prayer be always your standard. Do not be ashamed to belong to the Church – Catholic, apostolic, and holy. You will never find me outside my Church.

Let your living always be coherent with your Christian ideals. Love each other as I have loved you. Let yourselves be led by my love, and you will live out even the most difficult days in serenity and joy.

Remember that the cross should be welcomed and carried in the hope that it will lead you to eternal glory. I bless you from the heights of my cross. Let it be your boast of love. Whoever loves cannot be motivated by wicked actions.

Let my blessing be your strength.

Merciful Jesus