Mary, She Who Prays

My dearest children, I bless you in the name of the Father, of my Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is born for you and for you he continues to pray to the Father, for all of you children, more or less ungrateful.

Look upon him in that manger so small, and yet so great! But do you understand this love, unique and holy? No one can love you more than He, and yet you succeed in avoiding him and even blaspheme him.

My dear children, where you want to arrive, how can you continue to live only to despise the one who is Born, Died, and Risen for your salvation?

I beg you, take care against this kind of behavior, or you must yet face going up against sufferings of every kind. I am near you, but most of you live like automatons, not hearing, not speaking, not capable of loving with the heart.

Make yourselves small. Ask forgiveness for all your innumerable faults. Begin to live by giving and not taking. Be true bearers of all that is good and just. This is what Jesus has taught you from that poor and cold crib.

When there is love, when one lives in truth, when one makes his life holy by consoling, helping, understanding his own neighbor, then he can rejoice for having done all that Jesus has taught with his life.

On the Cross he has offered himself. Dear children, take example because only by giving can you receive. Do not be egotists because whoever lives for himself will be always alone and will taste only bitterness and delusions.

My children, continue to imitate that Child in the manger. Let meekness and love be your companions for life.

Mary, She Who Prays

Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Yours

I, Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Immaculate, am with you.

It is I who guide you toward that grotto where, in that humble manger, my Son willed to come among you. Pray to him in these adverse times. Only He can treat your wounds.

He [it is] who from that Cross has given his life for you, for your salvation. I console you in your sufferings but He is the healer. Do not think that life has been easy for us. Welcome sufferings and consign them to my Son, on that Cross.

Only the Cross is salvation. I counsel you, offer your crosses to He who first was immolated. Only a love like his could lead to giving his life in that inhuman way.

My children, adore and glorify Jesus, Son of God, and be aware that that Cross was indescribable sorrow. I love you and bring you to He who blesses every moment of your path.

Make yourselves holy. Offer your sufferings, your little and big sorrows with the certitude that He will change them into graces. Open your hearts. Have no fear. With us you are safe. Do not lose yourselves in the meanderings of the world.

Be always ready for obedience. Jesus wants to pardon and give his Kingdom to all his beloved children. Only those who do not want to hear our calls will lose their life forever.

These are dark times that you are living in, but soon, in each of you, light will shine forth and you will forget all that has been a cause of suffering. We love you and our great love will open the door to true life, that which is eternal.

I bless you, dear children. Make yourselves holy.

Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Yours

Jesus and Mary

The most beautiful flowers of our garden are you. Our cenacles make your hearts burn. We want our children with their hearts turned toward us. I and my Mother, we love you. We walk with you along your way, not easy but always facing upward.

Dear children, let prayer be your first thought and then let love for your brethren be a demonstration of faith, of hope, of love. Be our faithful witnesses. Only our love can bind you fraternally.

I have taught you, during my time spent on earth, that you can enjoy the homeland of my Father only by showing your good heart.

Above all in these times that are difficult and without God, you are called to bear witness. This you can do only if you are guided by our love. Our Mother is all for you; in this moment more than ever, she intercedes for your toward my Father.

You know well that my day will come and my mercy will be for you the positive part. But remind your brethren that infinite justice will come to fulfillment only in the last times.

Remind your brethren that, before my Father, they will no longer be able to hide the truth that is hidden. In those moments, how important will their sincere repentance be!

Dear children, we love you like no other can do. For this reason, we want all of you in the Infinite Kingdom of God. Be patient a little while longer. Direct your prayers and your works to He who can do all things, who sees all things, who provides all things.

My Mother suffers for you because she wants all to be saved. For this reason, today, I myself ask your prayer, which brings peace. And, with peace, you will be able to return eternally to your eternal dwelling.

Jesus and Mary

Your Jesus

My true children, those who believe in me and follow me, will see the Glory of God. My children, times are repeating themselves and man has not learned anything in the turning of the centuries.

I assure you that with my resurrection from the dead, I have given the chance to each of you to believe in my most great and unique love. Only God has life in his hands. My Father has willed your salvation and has sent Me, his Only-Begotten Son, to open for you again the gates of his Kingdom.

My dear children, never doubt the love of God. He has willed you, he pardons all your mistakes if you have the humility to recognize your sins.

I love you. I take you by the hand above all when you find yourself in difficult situations and my Mother helps me, without ever growing tired, to regain your souls, confused by the temptations of Satan.

My children, I forgive your mistakes because you are weak, not evil. Your souls would always follow their creator, but the ancient serpent always makes you fall, beclouding your hearts.

Fear not. Pray that these difficult times pass as quickly as possible and you will regain all the joy that you merit. We believe in you – take courage – you believe in my words, help the weakest brethren among you. Pray always so that in prayer the designs of My Father be realized.

Console the afflicted, raise up the fallen, clarify the minds that are ignorant of my Word. You will have the joy of seeing your dear ones regain eternal life. Above all the youth, who seem confused, we regain the true “creed” through your merit. Comunitarian prayer will raise up many fallen.

I bless you.

Your Jesus