Mary and Jesus, the Founders

My daughter, how many questions do you ask yourself regarding my intercession? But do you not yet understand that without me you would be like orphans? I am always with you. I certainly keep you from every evil. You do not even imagine what would happen if I were to withdraw from you just one moment.

You are living in most difficult times, but few of you are truly aware of it. Just like in the times of Jesus, they eat, drink, and get married as if nothing should change and then, instead, they had to reckon with every kind of sorrow.

Today I am with you, I will never leave you until the Father permits me. Dear children, Satan is most angry because he knows well that his time is about to end and for this reason you must be more attentive in everything that you set out to do.

I am always ready for your every call. Entrust to me your children and all the youth who in these times are losing the right path. Realize that, on your own, you can no longer resolve most of your problems.

Draw near more often to the Eucharistic Table, or you will perish. Do not go without the Daily Bread and if you want to remain joyful, let my Son guide you every step of the way.

There are real dangers everywhere and if you want to avoid them, you and your children, you must trust and entrust yourselves to my Son. Seek to understand that without his guidance you will lose every frame of reference.

Entrust yourselves totally to Jesus. Do not let yourselves remain, in your lives, unknown “emeritus.” Love those who do you evil, because Satan will be beaten precisely by true love. Help those who are weak in their trials and you will have your reward.

I love you and will not let you be lost. Let my blessing and that of Jesus open your heart and your eyes.

Mary and Jesus, the Founders

Jesus, Only Begotten Son

The Spirit of the Lord is upon each of you, upon your families, and upon all those who need the love of God and are not aware of it. Without the love of God you will not go anywhere. Never, like in this moment, have men eliminated from their lives Him who has given life.

My dear children, how do you not understand that the whole universe recognizes the hand of him from whom it has gone forth and you, children of my Cross, are unable to accept faith, that faith that will bring you to taste Trinitarian Love?

My Mother prays incessantly to the Father for all of you, otherwise the Hand of the First Person of the Trinity would already have acted in all his justice. Dear children, times are pressing in. I tell you and repeat to you in your interest, repent and believe in the infinite Love of God.

Confess your faults if you wish to enjoy the forgiveness of my Father, otherwise by your own choice you will endure eternal suffering, that of the ancient serpent. You are sill not able to understand how subtle he is; he tempts you through what interests you the most, namely power, money, and unrestrained sex.

Begin to make your heart operate. Only from your spiritual part can you have the right suggestions to begin to live a life worthy and correct enough to please God.

I am with you and still exhort you to put into practice the commandments of my Father and yours. Only then will you be free from evil thoughts. You know well that all your sins are born from thought.

I love you and await only your “Yes.” Be aware that without God you will not have eternal life. Leave this life of perdition and seek the infinite love of God.

Jesus, Only Begotten Son

Jesus and Mary

I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. Whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.

My children, I repeat to you what I told my first disciples: do you believe in this? I assure you eternal life, and not whoever says, “Lord, Lord” will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father.

My dearest children, I am sending you again my Mother, if you would listen to her! She indicates to you the way that leads to my Father and this she does as only a mother knows how.

I repeat it to you, until each of her children understands that only with the love of God will you have life, true life, that which is eternal. My Father is about to employ his justice. You cannot say, “But I did not know, I am not ready, give me another chance”; you will have to answer for your actions.

I warn you, make up your mind for a deep conversion of the heart. I address above all the youth – stop for a moment, make a long examination of conscience, repent of the evil you have done until now and draw near to the Table that will give you the Bread of life. Only then will you be fed and will you find that happiness you have always coveted.

Follow the counsels of my Mother and your Mother, draw close to Her side, speak with her of your problems and then you will understand that only with Her can you resolve them. We love you so much, you are our chosen race and we want you all with us.

Dear children, make up your minds, time is pressing. Procure for yourselves that bread that will feed you eternally. I bless you. My Mother extends her hand upon you. Be obedient. May our love be always with you.

Jesus and Mary

Jesus, the Savior

My daughter, how can you say, “Jesus, why do you not listen to our prayers?” You know very well that I Am infinite goodness. Let the Scriptures be fulfilled. Man is deciding his future and I cannot stop him.

It is Judas who still betrays me. The heart of man is a burning furnace of wickedness, envy, jealousy, greed; he is committing, against Me, every kind of sin.

He continues to put himself in the place of God, today more than yesterday. He does not yet understand that he is born from my Holy Will. Be at peace, because every thing will take up again the place awaits it.

Pray and make others pray. You are very displeased about that little creature who has been assassinated with circumcision. Remember, even he is born from the Will of God and now enjoys his Paternity.

Pray, instead, for his assassins. Judas still strikes; he has the faculty for it for still a bit of time. This night, you will remember again my Birth, well, then, address to that Little Jesus your prayer from the heart. Pray that he return quickly to bring peace to his suffering children.

Respect God’s time, have faith, because only in faith will you find true peace. I love you and will not allow you to suffer beyond my Will. Praise, tonight, that Little Child who is bearer of Peace and Love.

I love my flock and will not let any more be lost than my Father permits. May my blessing descend on all my people who are “waiting.”

Jesus, the Savior

Jesus, your Jesus

I do not want your life, I want your heart. Have I not perhaps told you not to undergo chemo? You have obeyed me only halfway.

It is now that you finally understand what it means to give oneself to Me, to entrust yourself totally. I am the Life, no one else. I am joy, I am eternity.

Offer yourself, then, again for the youth, this time seriously. Now you have understood what it means to give oneself. Give me totally your heart, your soul, your mind, all of yourself for the youth, and I will listen to you.

Let yourself love. From this help will come to you. Come and follow me, leave the world to those who love the world. You are only mine. I have formed you in my image and likeness. I want you only for Me. Listen to Me well, because only whoever has ears to hear me, will hear.

I have chosen you and have always left you the freedom to follow me or not. Now, finally, you understand what it means to have faith. Until you give me your heart, you do not have faith.

Now you and I are one with my Father. Finally you have let me enter. Now, yes, you are my “holy temple.” My daughter, seek to make your brethren understand that I am Love. I do not want the death of my children, but life.

Now go, do my will and your life, then, will totally change. I love you and soon I will descend among you with my Mother. I offer you my heart. Whoever wants to can enter. To whoever does my will will belong my Kingdom. I love you.

Jesus, your Jesus

Jesus, Son of God

My daughter, I am present in your midst in the person of my priest. I bring you peace, I give you my peace. Love my priests, because only through them can you have me always with you, through the Eucharist.

Let your prayer always sustain them and my Church. These are difficult days, but there will comes times in which you will thank me for the love that I have offered you from the Cross.

For now you have come to understand certain mysteries, but in the times to come I will open your eyes and your ears as I have never done until now.

You will come to me in repentance and in all humility and I will give you what you need. Man has disobeyed from the beginning, but there will come the moment and then I will pull back the reins and you will able, if you want, to come to Me.

My Mother is calling you back with all of her patience. You know well that a mother would give her life for her babies. All the more She, the Mother par excellence. If you obey her words you will be in joy for eternity.

I am always with you, but my Mother will never leave you for a minute. She cries with you and for you when you are sorrowful and rejoices with you when you love each other as brethren.

Love will win on all front. Your prayer will bear fruit and the whole world will rejoice in the goodness of God. Be always of service to your neighbor, especially with those most in need.

Let the example that I have given you spur your hearts in giving and giving abundantly. Dear children, this cenacle is divine providence. Ensure that it always be a fire that burns with love for me and for my Father.

Let my benediction, through my priest, be with you all.

Jesus, Son of God

Jesus, Your God and Your Brother

I am your God. It is not important if I come to you in the first, in the second, in the third person. My daughter, be calm and write what you all must know in these terrible times.

Dear children, be attentive, do not lose yourselves in dark meanderings, but open wide your eyes to see all that is happening in your skies and on your earth, open your ears to hear my words.

Do not be afraid. The children of God are always under my protection, but be attentive in order to be able to evaluate the events your are living through in these difficult times. Man has let himself distrust God, knowing full well he is limited in knowledge and action.

I am the Lord. I am He who can make day and night. I can give you to eat and to drink. I can give you the intelligence to be able to move around and do everything well, but you want to be autonomous. You want to show that you can do without Me. You have become masters of the world and think that you can do and undo at your pleasure.

The anger of God will soon make itself felt by all of you. You must choose to be with Me or against Me. I can no longer allow the children of God who follow my words to suffer because of the evil done by the followers of Satan.

Dear children, I love you, I will console you, I will follow you in every step. Do not fear, be safe under the mantle of my Mother. Continue to live out what I tell you. Love your brethren, above all those far from Me. Offer me prayers and fasts for their salvation, and that they repent of the ugly and wicked things of which they are making use.

I love you, I am close to you. Be my hands and my heart and I will save you from every calamity.

Jesus, Your God and Your Brother

Jesus, True God and True Man

Thank you, my dear children, because you listen to my Word and seek to put it into practice. It is not easy; I know this very well, since you are besieged by worldliness and whoever does not follow the world is not looked upon well.

But in My time, did people today behave, perhaps, differently than those of today? Dear children, the truth has never really been in style, it has never been well looked upon and you – who if you give even the slightest effort to observe it – are people who cause discomfort.

I pray you, seek to save your families from the mud that wants to cover them. Observe the divine laws because the human ones will come to an end. Always carry with you my Word and read it often, such that you can overcome all the temptations of the world.

Look after the nuclear family, protect it from all the attacks of the evil one, because once the family is destroyed, the devil will be master of all other situations.

Protect your children, never be missing from Holy Mass, speak to me when I invade your whole person. Let your heart be at my complete disposition so that I can fill it, cure it, change it, prepare it for my return among you.

No one takes anything seriously anymore on your earth, but there will come the moment when you will be asked to account for all your behavior and then for many of you it will not be pleasant.

Bear witness to me. I am He who is and I will not tolerate your offenses for much longer. My children, I love you and will console you in the times to come. Fear not; whoever lives in peace with himself and with Me has nothing to doubt.

I bless you. Sanctify my Name in every moment and I will make myself heard by you.

Jesus, True God and True Man

Jesus, He Who Saves

It is I, your Jesus. Peace to you, to this family, and to all my children who listen to my word. I pray you, do not play with fire, because sooner or later you will burn yourselves.

All that is happening on your planet is the ancient serpent who plays with your feelings. He is making sport of you and none of you understand that you are slipping fully aware into the depths of hell.

My dear children, I pray you, speak and give witness that what I am telling you is the truth. There exists a place of eternal punishment and if you are not with me you will not have a way out; you will perish in eternal fire.

I am not speaking so clearly with you to cause you anxiety, but because my love for you, from the Cross, is unique and forever. I can no longer accept certain behaviors of yours. Reflect and think hard before you act, before making certain decisions. Too much levity will cause you to lose eternal life.

Dear children, I am not speaking to you in this way so that you do incredible things, but to remind you that my sacrifice on the Cross must not become an unheard-of absurdity, but an example to follow. In giving life does one receive, in loving you are loved. Let fraternal charity be your way of living in this time of lies, disobedience, of falsehood.

I want to shake up your lives. I want you to follow the counsels of your heavenly Mother. I want that you love yourselves as I love you. My children, do not lose more time. Reconcile with God, my Father and your Father. In forgiving each other you will obtain grace and mercy.

I bless you. Bear witness to the Love of God with your life. Chase the devil from yourselves and from your brethren. May the Cross be your emblem and my love will heal your souls. Be obedient.

Jesus, He Who Saves

Jesus, your Savior

My dearest children, have I not told you that if you pray you will see the glory of God? Yes, dear children, prayer gives you joy of heart, that perfect joy that can only give you your and only your Sole God.

If you are born from his thought it is logical that you cannot find happiness elsewhere, far from Him. Continue to enliven your Cenacle, never tire of praising God for the life that he has given you.

Be perfect like your Father is perfect, assuring yourselves thus eternal life. The days in which you are living on earth are poor in joy and full of ailments but if you live in my love you will find that joy that you cannot find otherwise.

The majority of your brethren do not find joy, even less peace, because that have lost the true meaning of life. You are born to enjoy heaven and your passage on earth must serve for your purification, not for losing your soul through drawing far from the Creator.

My children, pray and adore Him, who can give you peace. The world will disappoint you infinitely if you do not place, in your path, the Creator in first place.

My Mother is sorrowful for these children who have lost the way. I pray you to help her with your prayers, so that she can ensure salvation for all of her beloved children.

Always remember that Satan knows well your hearts and your desires and if you do not react against his temptations he will make you prisoners forever. My children, may my blessing strengthen your defenses every day.

I love you and want you with me. Resist temptations.

Jesus, your Savior