My true children, those who believe in me and follow me, will see the Glory of God. My children, times are repeating themselves and man has not learned anything in the turning of the centuries.
I assure you that with my resurrection from the dead, I have given the chance to each of you to believe in my most great and unique love. Only God has life in his hands. My Father has willed your salvation and has sent Me, his Only-Begotten Son, to open for you again the gates of his Kingdom.
My dear children, never doubt the love of God. He has willed you, he pardons all your mistakes if you have the humility to recognize your sins.
I love you. I take you by the hand above all when you find yourself in difficult situations and my Mother helps me, without ever growing tired, to regain your souls, confused by the temptations of Satan.
My children, I forgive your mistakes because you are weak, not evil. Your souls would always follow their creator, but the ancient serpent always makes you fall, beclouding your hearts.
Fear not. Pray that these difficult times pass as quickly as possible and you will regain all the joy that you merit. We believe in you – take courage – you believe in my words, help the weakest brethren among you. Pray always so that in prayer the designs of My Father be realized.
Console the afflicted, raise up the fallen, clarify the minds that are ignorant of my Word. You will have the joy of seeing your dear ones regain eternal life. Above all the youth, who seem confused, we regain the true “creed” through your merit. Comunitarian prayer will raise up many fallen.
I bless you.
Your Jesus