My dearest children, Pentecost has given you my Spirit; be blessed now and always. My spirit is life. I want you to remember this well, because you can get through the times in which you are living and be victorious only if you are filled with true life, that which I have given you for eternity.
Reflect on the things of the Spirit, because the world will pass away but eternity will never pass away. I tell you: be ready. The Father will give what he promises. After the offering of the Son through the Cross, what has been promised you will follow.
His glory will fill all those who are pure of heart and you will finally become true inheritors. Eternity is for you, obedient children. It will be above all a consolation; that which the world has not been able to give you, the Spirit will grant you forever.
Do you understand, my children, what forever means? In eternity you will be completely filled with supernatural gifts. Now you are imperfect, but afterward, perfection will make you true beings filled with every grace.
For this reason, I pray you to listen to and put into practice my commandments. As a good father, I can only counsel you good things. Be obedient children and do not turn away from them.
I, Jesus, Second Person of the Trinity, have not filled your ears with words but I have filled your hearts with goodness, fraternity, and peace.
If you respect what I have suggested to you and demonstrated from the height of that cross, be sure of this: my Kingdom will be open to each of you and we will finally enjoy together the joys of my Father.
I bless you. May the Third Person of the Trinity fill you hearts and shower them with true joy.
Jesus, the Love of God