Jesus, Son of the living God

No one should dare touch my holy temple to make of it a massacre.

My dear children, to kill one of my creatures in the maternal womb is an offense against God and eternal punishment for those who are responsible.

I decide whom to call to life and whom to return, from He who has created unique works. Do not kill man, since you will pay your guilt for eternity. Every creature that sees life is exclusively by my will.

Man should no longer dare decide if one of my children should or should not die. The things of the world will pass, will finish, since they complete their life on the earth, but my children, all will return to me and for those who will not repent bitterly of the evil done to their own brothers, there will be eternal suffering.

Justice will be fulfilled for each of you. Do not judge my Word, because it is the Word of God and is not debated; rather, make a mea culpa before it is too late. Too many offenses are directed to He who has given life for you, too many sinners against his Mother, too many sins against the purity of the holy temple of God.

Repent, my children; the hand of God is about to strike.

Is it possible that you are not able to understand without Me that you are no one? Be humble and obey my laws, or you will render an account in the presence of God, where you will no longer be able to lie or find justifications.

Enough now, you have destroyed that which God the Father had created for your joy, and you will no longer succeed in repairing that which you have destroyed. I exhort you: repent, ask pardon first of your brothers and then of God. Nature is no longer able to contain the poisons that, without the least respect for that which it gives you, you continue to inject into it.

My dear children, you who understand my speaking, solicit your brothers to offer prayers to obtain pardon. I bless you.

Jesus, Son of the living God