Mary, Assumed into Heaven

My dear children, do you realize what you are asking me when reciting the Hail Mary? I will certainly be present at the hour of your death.

You continue to call it “death,” but there is nothing more mistaken, because that is the most important moment of “True Life.”

Dear children, it is precisely at that moment that comes about your birth into heaven, your birth where there will be no more death; you will enjoy life for eternity. I will support you in that moment, to make you savor those moments of joy that you will experience after having asked pardon for all your sins against my Son.

I have been Assumed into heaven and from that day onward I have been truly a mother to all of you, the Only Mother who can do all in her requests for you to Jesus, born from my womb through the work of the Holy Spirit.

My dear children, be ready, because soon will come about our true encounter. The ancient serpent will no longer be able to do anything against you and my Immaculate Heart will finally triumph.

You are born for heaven. My dear children, I ask you from the bottom of my heart, do not choose sin, where you cannot imagine how great are the sufferings that those who, knowingly, choose the depths of hell, must suffer.

True joy you will savor fully only when Jesus returns to earth and does justice. Then all will transform into complete joy for you.

I pray that you have faith, even in the moments of trial that you must overcome in the future. I assure you of my presence, but you, do not forget my recommendations.

I bless you. My Assumption into heaven has been willed by Jesus.

Mary, Assumed into Heaven