Mary, Crowned Queen

My children, never doubt our presence among you. Could a mother leave her children in the hands of evildoers? You see, we are your parents and so all the more can we not leave you alone, not even for a moment.

These dark times would carry you into shadows instantly if it were not for our heavenly presence. Pray more. Bear witness to us wherever you find yourselves. Speak of the goodness of Jesus; he went up the cross for you without a second thought.

Dear children, would you do the same for your children? Then be more certain of our love. We are with you and we often keep you from pain and negative thoughts that would bring you to ruin.

Pray and bear witness that the Kingdom of God is near. We can no longer bear so much evil on your earth. But you are becoming aware that with wickedness you will not go far.

Help your enemies to discern, so that they not find themselves unprepared for the second coming of Jesus. Then, they will no longer be able to choose between good and evil. I tell you, pay attention: it could be too late.

I listen to your supplications and intercede before the Father, but you are few in number. Pray. I cannot lose many children of mine. Offer your sufferings so that your love succeed in softening so many hard and cold hearts.

Your prayers are indispensable. Just a little while longer and all evil will end by leaving the good to fill all your emptiness.

I bless you. I love you. I long for you. Soon I will have this joy.

Mary, Crowned Queen