Jesus, the Eucharist

Do you still marvel? Do you not know that when I speak to you, I speak with knowledge? Yes, now I propose it again to you: in that Particle that you received this morning, your Divine Master was present alive and true. This has nothing to do with a simple piece of bread like some would like to show.

This is why I have wanted to stop on this point with you. My Body and Blood is contained in that piece of bread. There will be times in which even the men who belong to my Church will tell you that in that consecrated Host my Body is not present, but only a memory, to remember precisely my birth in the world.

I am speaking with you so that you be ready to give witness, that in that Consecrated Bread, it is I, Alive and True. You must defend your Jesus from those who, lying, say that that Particle is nothing more than a memory.

Do not find yourselves unprepared. I am your Divine Master, I am alive among you, I have given my life for you on that Cross, but am risen and I do not draw far from my children, not even for a moment.

Draw close to my table often. Feed yourselves with my true Body, quench your thirst with the chalice of my Blood, in the certitude that I will dwell in your heart.

My Father allows me to appease the hunger of all the children who believe in Me. I will preserve you from every evil, because I am alive in you and the evil one will remain far. He will not tempt you and will never win.

I am with you. Feed yourselves more often with my Body and Blood, because only in this way can your drive away satan and the other evil spirits who now as much as ever act in the world to snatch your souls away from me.

The Eucharist is true Food and true Drink. I, Jesus, affirm this now and always. I bless you, my dear children. Make communion and do not be afraid, I am true life. Whoever eats of Me will not die, but will live forever.

Blessed are you who believe in my Word.

Jesus, the Eucharist

Jesus, Savior of the World

My dear children, what do you want to offer me in this time of Lent? I can suggest to you what would please me the most. Dear children, I ask you to abandon yourselves to my divine will.

I this time in which everything is allowed, where sin no longer exists, where one does not think of what is pleasing to God, where the commandments are no longer respected, where the place of God is occupied principally by your “I,” I suggest you rely always on my will.

My will is called Love. Yes, dear children, love each other from the depths of the heart without looking out for what will please you the most. Do not think about your profit but about that of your brethren. Only in love will you find yourselves again.

Obedience to your Creator will bring you to live in charity, in peace, in quiet living, in the reordering of all your life. Obeying mammon to satisfy every desire of yours, every vice of yours, will never bring you into living in my will.

The will of my Father is salvation for every man. The will of the devil is rebelling against the law of God. You cannot be mistaken: the Word of God is One, and does not go debated.

There are no compromises that obtain: either decide for my will, or continue to live in your vices that bring you far from the Kingdom of God. In these days that lead up to my Easter, reflect for a while on modifying your plan for life. Listen to my voice, embracing that Cross that goes before your every day. Without the Cross there is no salvation.

The will of God is precisely this, to offer your life in exchange for salvation. Leave your will aside to live in my Divine Will. I am close to you arnd I will help you to pass through the door of my Kingdom.

I bless you, I protect you in this Lent from yourselves, offering you the possibility of accepting the Cross.

Jesus, Savior of the World

Jesus and Mary, Renewers (of Humanity)

Dear children, behold my family. Jesus, new Adam and I, new Eve, we have generated all the children for the New Era. Yes, dear children, there will come new times where there will be no more tempter and my children will finally let themselves go into our arms. Take care of the family that has been entrusted to you. Love your children like my Son loves the Church. It is from the God-fearing family that your society will be able to change. Each of you is responsible for the failure of the family nucleus.

My dear children, I am with you and I will never abandon you, but you ought to be more responsible. Speak in the family of the things of God if you want to confront the trials that will come, in serenity and above all without losing hope. You understand that the family is the cell that carries society. If the family lives in unity, even society will be united in confronting difficulties, certain of overcoming every obstacle. Jesus and I are close to you. We desire that you living on the earth not be reduced to a bad way of living, but that it be the anticipation of that eternal life that waits for you and that he will give to each according to merits.

My family, here gathered, is following me, entrusts itself to my care and then I will give them all that is best for them and the strength not to fall in the ultimate temptations, which will be the strongest. Satan wants to destroy the greatest work that Jesus has produced, the family, but I assure you that he will not reach his goal.

I love you, Jesus loves you and will not allow that so many children be damned. We only ask that you entrust yourselves with all your strength to our care. Love each other because stronger in love is faith, and in faith you will walk with sure steps toward the great family, that formed by the New Adam and the New Eve.

Dear children, in these news I bless you in the certainty that your families are safe with us. Love will conquer the world.

Jesus and Mary, Renewers (of Humanity)

Jesus, Priest Forever

I pray you, my dear children, pray in this Marian cenacle for all my consecrated. They have in their hands many souls in confusion and must clarify, to these children of mine, what is truly the “Word of God.”

The Gospel speaks clearly: one cannot serve two masters. Either they listen to one and leave the other, or they love one and disobey the other. There are not two measures. This is the time for clarity. For what is clear and truthful you have only my Word. One cannot “correct” that which issues from the mouth of God.

I am with you, my little disciples, my dear followers. Be always truthful in speaking. All will appear more clearly, your eyes will open and that which you hear will be of help, of guidance, of comfort for each and for all.

I, your God, have called you friends and true friends share the goods entrusted to them. I love you; in love, all is more clear. Be attentive. Do not say, “this is the Word of God” when it is born from your heart. Do not say, “one may do this” when the Commandments affirm the exact opposite. Do not say, “This is ancient and this other thing is modern,” because the Word of God is One and is not open to debate.

I desire that you entrust yourselves to Mary, and under her teaching, pray seriously for your priests. Offer the Holy Eucharist so that my Church assume again, as soon as possible, resemblance to Me.

I am the Good Shepherd, I love my sheep and I know them. I will not let the wolf carry them away. Your priests, now more than ever, need your help. Do not criticize, but love my consecrated ones and you will be safe.

Offer and suffer, because these are times of clarification, an announcement of peace. Pray, dear children, for your own good. You need attentive pastors, true leaders, guides to green pastures, true followers of Christ.

My blessing be always a sign of love, of peace, of union

Jesus, Priest Forever

The Child Jesus, Son of God

“I greet you, Mary. Greet Jesus for me.”

Dear children, these few words are enough for that your Mother obtain from her Child all the graces you need. I ask you today, before that cradle where the angels praise Jesus, pray with words that are simple but that come from the depth of your heart.

My children, I am there, in truer and more fertile poverty and humility. Make yourselves small, praise and adore that Jesus, Son of God, who with an infinite love deigned to come in your midst.

Humility is that gift that makes each heart great. Pride will never bring you to fulfilling my works, and your life will slide each day into more total sterility.

The magi have offered me their gifts, but I have come to you to fill your hearts, to give you every sort of grace that can enrich your pilgrimage on the earth. Pray and make others pray. Prayer is the gift that pleases Me the most.

Carry about, in this world corrupted by sin, my Word, which is Way, Truth, and Life. Only my love can save you, only my grace will lighten your load and enable you to carry the daily cross in the light and certainty that your Jesus is walking with you.

May my coming among you be for you a hope for meriting eternal life. Remember that one does not live on bread alone, but on every word that issues from my mouth.

Feed yourselves on my Word and on my Body and Blood, and you will have nothing to fear. The clouds that are on the horizon will pass without leaving a trace on my most obedient children.

In the Light of that poor cradle, I bless you.

The Child Jesus, Son of God

Jesus Made Man

My daughter, today we speak of forgiveness. You are waiting for me in a way that is hardly Christian, and you no longer share my birth as a gift of salvation. It is from that poor manger that the Son of God has chosen to come among you.

You do not yet understand the sacrifice, the sorrow, the resignation that must reign in your hearts.

I have given you example not with useless words, but I am born poor among the poor so as to share with all of you that by which one lives in the world and for the world. You cannot accuse me of anything. All that you are facing I have lived in my skin, firsthand.

My children are all good, this is a thing that you must recognize very well. All of you are born from the love of God, all of you are inheritors in the same way.

What I want you to understand today is precisely this: there do not exist wicked children, but there exist persons who have suffered more than others, or who are weaker in temptation.

Therefore, I tell you: keep these brethren before the eyes of your heart. If they kill, it is because they themselves have been killed in the spirit. They suffer so much in this way from not being able to forgive those who have caused them such sorrow. From the moment in which one does not succeed in pardoning offenses, satan takes possession of your soul, making you his prisoners.

I pray you, my dear children, pray for your brethren who, having experienced death in the spirit, cause physical death to those like them.

I beseech you: forgive, forgive, forgive, if you want to be forgiven and gain eternal life. Forgiveness brings peace to the heart and drives away the wars that lead to destruction among the peoples.

Listen to my words if you want to be worthy of approaching that crib containing the Child Jesus, Savior of the world.

I bless you. Do thus the same, wishing each other peace.

Jesus Made Man