Jesus, the Eucharist

Do you still marvel? Do you not know that when I speak to you, I speak with knowledge? Yes, now I propose it again to you: in that Particle that you received this morning, your Divine Master was present alive and true. This has nothing to do with a simple piece of bread like some would like to show.

This is why I have wanted to stop on this point with you. My Body and Blood is contained in that piece of bread. There will be times in which even the men who belong to my Church will tell you that in that consecrated Host my Body is not present, but only a memory, to remember precisely my birth in the world.

I am speaking with you so that you be ready to give witness, that in that Consecrated Bread, it is I, Alive and True. You must defend your Jesus from those who, lying, say that that Particle is nothing more than a memory.

Do not find yourselves unprepared. I am your Divine Master, I am alive among you, I have given my life for you on that Cross, but am risen and I do not draw far from my children, not even for a moment.

Draw close to my table often. Feed yourselves with my true Body, quench your thirst with the chalice of my Blood, in the certitude that I will dwell in your heart.

My Father allows me to appease the hunger of all the children who believe in Me. I will preserve you from every evil, because I am alive in you and the evil one will remain far. He will not tempt you and will never win.

I am with you. Feed yourselves more often with my Body and Blood, because only in this way can your drive away satan and the other evil spirits who now as much as ever act in the world to snatch your souls away from me.

The Eucharist is true Food and true Drink. I, Jesus, affirm this now and always. I bless you, my dear children. Make communion and do not be afraid, I am true life. Whoever eats of Me will not die, but will live forever.

Blessed are you who believe in my Word.

Jesus, the Eucharist