My daughter, I love you so much, above all you who call upon me for all your brethren.
I no longer want to weep. As you know, the times are drawing near by leaps and bounds and, for my Son, there will come from your brethren only praise and thanksgiving because they will feel, in the depths of their hearts, that only in and to God can they trust and entrust themselves.
Your world is ceding to the evil one. My children have come to him and it will be almost impossible for them to shake him off their backs.
I know joy only from my children who pray, who offer prayers and sacrifices for all my children who have drawn far from their Father.
You know well that your earthly days are about to end and no one thinks about saving his own soul. My children, I thank you because many of you offer prayers and sacrifices precisely for these children of mine who have made a pact with the devil.
I love you, my children, who do not forget to adore God and console Jesus when he receives only curses and blasphemous words.
I love you, my such beloved children. Continue to pray and offer sacrifices for these children of mine who are far from their Creator.
I am with you. I bless you often during the day, above all in moments of temptation. The times are coming to a close and your God will give to each, according to his merits, the prize or eternal pain.
Be always obedient.
Your Most Holy Mother