My daughter, I am with you. Call upon the help of Jesus, that he come quickly to free you from the enemy, from he who wants your eternal death. I never leave you alone, especially in these sad times.
Yes, dear children, perhaps you are not aware, but your enemy is pillaging souls like never before. Call upon the help of God, day and night. Pray to your Eternal Father, that He do justice and free my many children from Satan and his followers.
You cannot imagine how many of your brethren on your earth are dying only to suffer eternally in hell.
Pray and call upon the goodness of God, so that he send my Son Jesus among you soon to recover the many souls in danger of eternal death. I am suffering like in the time Jesus offered himself to the Father for the salvation of so many children.
Pray that the dark times on your planet pass quickly and that you, my most beloved children, come to enjoy the eternal love of Me, your Most Holy Mother, and of God the Eternal Father. I will keep praying, so that many of your brethren convert.
Thank you, my dearest children, for your prayers. Jesus loves you very much.
I press you to my Immaculate Heart.
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary