Jesus, Salvation

My dear children, your fears, your anxieties, your dread, after prayer they will vanish. Offer me your worries and I will heal you from every physical and spiritual evil. Have you not yet understood that the prince of the world is leading you where he wants? But you have Me. You must never fear. My Father will handle him and he will never again be able to do anything against you.

My children, be strong. Draw close to the Eucharist often; with Me in your hearts you will be secure. It is true that your planet is suffering like a woman in labor pains, but I assure you that very soon even this birth will occur and all the pains will vanish. All my children who are have been faithful to me will inhabit new heavens and a new earth. Call upon the Father so that the times of tribulation shorten and he bring you as soon as possible to taste freedom.

I lead you, my Mother is never far from you. Rely upon and entrust yourselves to her care, to her counsels, to her suggestions, so that the evil one stay far from you. Never forget to bless the Father for all that he gives you and will give you. In his name bless each other, bless your food, drink, medicine, people who come to you, work that your are doing. Call upon the name of the Father in every difficult situation and you will realize that the devil will no longer have any power against you.

It is difficult to live in these times of enormous confusion, where the good suffer because of those who do not know me, but I tell you: be always in Mary’s school, follow to the letter what She will yet tell you and satan will be forced to leave you forever. There is one Lord, He who can do all things. This impure one knows it and will be winding down.

Regarding my children, apostles of the last age, his temptations will end and he will dive into the depths of his kingdom of eternal suffering. I bless you, dear children, believe in Me who am: Jesus, Salvation.

Jesus, Salvation