Jesus, Merciful

My dear children, do not weep over past things. Think and live in the present, promising yourselves perseverance of heart.

Prayer must be the most precious thing that animates your life in every moment, your living in the will and mercy of Jesus. Promises do little good if they are not kept.

My dear children, do not make promises that are then hard to maintain. Little things, little sacrifices, little works once kept are worth more than a great promise not satisfied.

Work in your little heart with humility. It often happens that one desires great conquests, great goals, but I who see in your hearts desire nothing more than your real possibilities.

Remember, though, that that which is worth most is perseverance, abiding by what one promises. Make little steps, but walk without abandoning the way. Slowly, even with a bit of fatigue, does one arrive at the finish line.

Without blazing ahead, but with good will, you will arrive at the highest point, at the summit that you had determined. Be persevering in all that you promise yourselves and you will be happy with the results obtained.

Always begin with small doses, then slowly increase, and you will see and reach great results. Sometimes it can be enough just to utter a simple expression from the depths of the heart, a simple Hail Mary thinking about the love of your Heavenly Mother, a small prayer full of meaning to your Father. You will realize, in time, how important perseverance is.

Repeat the name of Jesus, wearing yourselves out with love in naming this name. I assure you that you will succeed in moving my Father and your Father. Be persevering, then; with constancy you will go very far. Small prayers and acts of love, but often.

I bless you.

Jesus, Merciful