Mary, Pilgrim

Greetings, my dear children. I am your Heavenly Mother, and I come to you to console you and to assure you of me maternal presence. I will never leave you, not even when you are not able to feel my presence. You know this, I come tiptoed, in silence, so that you might listen to the words that come from heaven.

This earth of yours is undergoing the strongest temptation of all ages. Hold strong to our merciful hands and seek not to fall. But if a slip should occur, do not fear – the angels of heaven close to you are more numerous than the rebel angels.

Pray without interruption for this planet of yours that is suffering for your wickedness. Yes, dear children, my beloved children experience, and often bring to fruition, wickedness of every kind. I tell you to put works of mercy before such acts of wickedness.

The rebel spirits will not emerge as victors from this war that they have armed, pitting brother against brother, father against son, and son against father.

Do not fear, run often to confession, pray to your Father, who never lets the birds of heaven or the fish of the sea lack food.

You are his children and if you are able to love yourselves by setting aside the weapons of the devil, He will save you from all the pains that are arriving precisely because of that human wickedness of which he was speaking to you a little while ago. I do not leave you. I am close to my most needy children with my counsels and my love.

I cannot induce you to do what you do not like or what does not please you, because what I counsel you can cost you a sacrifice, but with holy patience I will seek to recover as many souls as possible. I will not let another rob the children of God with his easy, sweet, lies. Only with lies can he conquer the weakest souls, but my Son will not permit him for much longer.

I am with you and I bring you the blessing of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Mary, Pilgrim