Convert and believe in the Word of my Son.
How many distractions fill your life, how much time you are losing running after the poor things that the world offers you, and I come to you, without tiring, to remind you in every moment that Jesus has given his life for you, to save you from eternal punishment.
No one thinks anymore about eternal suffering. You give yourselves so much to do so as not to lose your health, and then with such facility you risk losing true healing, that healing that will bring you to health forever.
I love you, my dear children, but you, believe in what I tell you. Hell exists, like purgatory exists, but while in purgatory you will have hope, if you cross the doors of hell you will never leave again. Perhaps a little fear would help you reflect on this thing of vital importance.
Dear children, what good does bodily health serve you if you lose the health of your soul? Do you not understand that eternal punishment will make you the slaves of evil forever? I do not know what to tell you anymore to bring you to conversion. Reflect deeply on my recommendations.
Would you like that a child of yours, disobeying your words, risk his life?
I, who am your mother, am seriously concerned about your health. Listen to me, I pray you; I do not want to make you afraid, but if you do not obey the commandments of my Son, you risk your life and no one will ever be able to help you change that horrendous situation.
Convert, dear children, before it is too late. You mother, you can understand my suffering. Help me save the life of your children.
I advise you to speak clearly to your kids, not so much to make them afraid, but obtaining from them a healthy fear of God. You are living in difficult times, but for this reason you must not forget that you have a Father who loves you, who has given the life of his Only Son for your salvation.
I count on your help. I bless you with my maternal blessing.
Mary, Mother of God and Your Mother