The Madonna of All Peoples

I, the Madonna of all peoples, am with you. You have given me this title, and now my children often do not recognize me even as their mother. I assure you that “of all peoples” is like saying Only Mother. Listen to my voice so that it is certain that each of you understand my speaking. Saying “all” or saying “each” is the same thing. I am your mother. I love each of you in the same way. For me there do not exist good children or bad children; you are my children. It depends only on you if you feel more or less loved by Me and by my Son.

Your heart is the center of love. If you let us enter more or less easily, this depends on you. In the mind hide thoughts that are more or less good; it is for you to elaborate upon them in such a way that they arrive in the heart in the best way. One should combat and correct distractions, just like the feelings. Sometimes even in thought there are good intentions, but if you let yourselves fall easily into temptations, see how every good intention changes and worsens totally before it comes to fulfillment in your hearts.

Do not say: “But I do not feel the love of our Mother,” but say instead, “I do not give my Mother a way to be able to penetrate within.” I am truly the Madonna of all peoples, she only who has the same love for each of you. Pray with more conviction, if you do not believe thoroughly. You close the gate of your heart, and I can put no pressure on you. Jesus has freed you with his passion, death, and resurrection. Seek to merit such freedom. Dear children, be my only people.

The Madonna of All Peoples*


*It is not clear if this refers at all to the apparition of the Lady of All Nations, in Italian, la Signora di tutti i popoli.