Mary, Joy and Love

My dearly beloved children, do not bask in your own behavior. Do you not understand that these times that you are living through are times of reflection? I love you and console you, but you: listen to me, or my coming among you will be of no help to you. Open your ears and your heart such that I may place upon you all my love and all the awe necessary to begin to live a life pleasing to my Son Jesus. Do not get lost in chitchat. Seek to enjoy taste of silence. Only where silence exists can Jesus work, give, purify, and instruct.

I still advise you to desire the life that awaits you. Do not fix your efforts and your dreams on that which passes. True existence, true good, and happiness can you savor only in heaven. It is true that the things that you can see and touch satisfy you momentarily, but that which is worth the most you can neither see nor touch. The spirit is the same air that you breathe but you do not see it; however, you know and understand well that without oxygen you cannot live. This is enough for you to understand the value of the world to come and that even without seeing it, it will be your true existence.

I am here to teach you the things of heaven. It is important that you listen to me and then live it concretely day after day. I repeat: chitchat serves nothing. Retire into silence as long as possible, and then you will begin to rejoice in the spirit. I am always near. Listen to my words in the silence of your hearts and I will hear from each one of you.

I bless you and wait for all of you where you can enjoy true joy.

Mary, Joy and Love