My dear children, some of you often ask yourselves how you can best give honor to God, but it is simple: by doing his Will. You say you are small, poor, and uneducated, but I tell you, it does no good to be great, proud, and intelligent. One needs instead humility, love, and great peace.
Peace with brethren, with the whole world, and above all with my Son: ask Him for it always. Peace is that which you need in these difficult times, full of hatred, wickedness, and wicked deeds.
I pray you, my children, begin now to give honor to God by loving your brethren, especially the poor, by loving your families, and above all, by praying more for the Church instituted by my Son.
Do not complain if the things in this world no longer satisfy you. It is your hatred, sown everywhere, which has changed the world. Place yourselves now on the path, remembering my counsels. Honor God by giving love, offering prayers, sufferings, and Christian charity, for you and for all those living on the earth.
I am with you, but if you put me in a corner I cannot make myself heard. Open your hearts to me so that I might always be your support. Love each other in earnest; only love can conquer hatred.
Never be arrogant. Do not put yourselves in first place. Let those who are near you take advantage of your help. God sees and provides, especially when you entrust the whole world to his Holy Will.
Be humble. Humility will make you great before God. I ask you again to give witness with your good works and to evangelize with the Word of God. I bless you and I assure you of my presence. It is your turn now to listen to my counsels.
I love you and I intercede for you.
Mary, Consoler