Yes, my children, “Maranatha.” Pray – pray – pray and my Son will not make himself wait for much longer. Your sins have putrefied the earth and you, what do you still think you can do? When will your conversion come?
Dear children, without God you will never go far. You have discovered so many things in this time but you have not yet understood that you will never be able to create anything.
One alone is Creator and sooner or later you will have to submit yourselves to his will if you want to take action on all that you are destroying. The proofs that only God can create, you have had many of them. But you are so full of pride that you will never admit all your defeats.
Repent. You still have time to repair what you have destroyed with your hands. Decide to ask pardon for all your sins and Jesus will intercede before his Father for you all.
I still want to believe in you. Bend your knees before Jesus in the Sacrament and ask pardon from the bottom of your hearts.
You know well that divine justice will act in its totality and for those who will not admit their faults and will not ask pardon with their hearts, it will be the end. The devil is playing with his last possibilities; for this reason he is decimating you.
I promise you, if your prayers are more from what you lack, we will take from Satan all his power. Pray, my dear children. Heal your sins with confession and you will be able to come to enjoyment with us.
May Jesus bless you in the Name of the Trinity.
Mary, Your Mother