Mary, Health of Christians

My dearest children, I am with you and my angels form a crown around me. Let us pray that God the Almighty Father listen to the supplications of his little remnant. Now that the times are drawing closer every day, we need more voices raising Hosanna to our God.

Be sure that the heavens and the earth will give you what each of you deserve. I am often saddened by certain behaviors of yours. But, fortunately for you, you have a merciful Father who listens to you, even if your merits grow more and more thin.

Unfortunately, so many of my children no longer believe and think they do not need Us. Pray more for these brethren of your who are no longer aware of the fragility of this world of yours.

I am with you, otherwise the devil would make a raid upon my children. Jesus has not given his life to make you go straight into hell. He wants you with Him. He has thought you up from forever to make you happy and dwellers of his his Paradise.

Do not lose hope. Know that your angels do not leave you alone for an instant. Speak with them and ask their presence day and night.

Pray and make others pray. Only with prayer can you crown your greatest dream: eternal life lived in the greatest joy before infinite Love, your Father, who is most perfect.

Dear children, continue to bear witness to eternal life. Speak of hell, because it exists and will exist. I bless you. Your guardian angels rejoice with Me for you. Be always coherent.

Mary, Health of Christians