Mary, Consoler

My such beloved children, I very much appreciate your prayers and so I invite you to continue in this way. I am listening to you and you do what is possible to follow my counsels.

I remind you that the prayer most appreciated by God is your participation in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. You understand very well that I have said ‘sacrifice’ and not ‘memory.’ My Son is still rising to His Father in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass.

Dear children, feed upon His Body because only in this way will you be able to face the difficulties of life. You know that these times you are going through are very difficult. For this reason I repeat to you, feed upon Jesus every day.

Only He can still give some joy to your existence. Jesus is the true Life. Without Him, you would die to eternal life. What use would it be, living a human life, if then you lose that which is eternal? If one starts off on a path, he does it to arrive at a destination, but what good would it do to stop halfway?

I tell you this because so many of my children, in this moment, are stopping halfway along their path. I cannot bear this. I want all of you with me. Therefore you, who have understood my sufferings, offer your Masses in particular for these brethren of yours who are stopping halfway.

My Son, with his perennial offering to the Father, does nothing else but make easier for you the road that leads to heaven, that is, to true life, that which is eternal and full of joy.

You, my joy, continue to help me and I assure you of my intercession before the Father. I bless you and thank you.

Mary, Consoler