Mary, Assumed into Heaven

My daughter, I am your refuge. In heaven, today is a great feast. All the angels of Paradise make a crown for me. Hymns and canticles melt into joy.

My dear children, earth has become the pit that would like to swallow you, in order to steer you into the depths of hell. Seek to recover the way that leads to my Son, otherwise the demon will win on all fronts.

Do you want to rise to heaven? Do you want to enjoy my motherly love? Do you want to live in joy forever? All that remains is for you to change the course of your actions.

You are destroying yourselves. Sin wraps you like a cloth woven with false modesty, false comforts, false joys. And you, drawn by the things of the world, fall into a trap with the least struggle.

I have risen into heaven and I pray incessantly to the Father, so that his Will be done. If my Son Jesus does not get ready to return to your planet, so many of my children will be lost without hope.

Keep watch and meditate on that which you are living through. There is no more love among you. This word has been abused and distorted, in particular within couples. You call “love” the base passions, animal instinct, impure acts, indecent intercourse, unworthy of being called loving encounters.

Love is offering, love is gift of self to the other, love is suffering, love is living in the truth and in the obedience of He who is Incarnate and Crucified for the salvation of all. The universe can no longer accept your faults. Even prayers often become only requests and not offerings.

Earnestly imitate your Mother assumed into heaven, if you want to follow her in blessed peace. I invite you to love – give – pray – persevere in obedience to the divine laws.

Mary, Assumed into Heaven