Mary, Mother of Love

My daughter, I am Mary, the Mother of Love. Love, what a great definition; to this little word are given so many meanings, but in truth you do not yet know its true meaning. Love, before all, is to do the will of God.

In his Will, love is fulfilled in all of its facets. When one says “I love you,” one should pay much attention. Peter, who had understood the meaning of this word in responding to Jesus, did not have the courage to respond “You know that I love you,” but held himself to saying, even three times, “You know that I care for you” [Sai che ti voglio bene].

Know, my so dearly beloved children, that love means to give one’s life. My Son is the Only One who can claim “I love you.” Your love will never be totally demonstrated until you give your life for love. You can, even must, prove yourselves to love. I am trying to teach you some ways of loving.

Remember, first of all, that whoever loves, in the true sense of the word, is ready to give his life, to give his life not only on the physical level, but above all in a spiritual way.

For example, if in the family you attempt to put such a love into action, begin by dying to yourselves. Before thinking about your needs, think about satisfying those of the whole family. It is thus as well in the workplace and those places where your carry out other duties.

To love my Son, this could be enough, to do his will. But one could give more. The Holy Mass must be your first thought. Within this rite, Jesus gives himself to you totally. You could say in that moment, that is, when you receive him, “I, Jesus, love you and want to love you more every day.”

There, this is the best way to show love, among yourselves, between you and Jesus. To love means to give oneself unconditionally. It doesn’t mean thinking about it, but acting instinctively, obeying your heart.

I love you. If you ask anything of me in the name of Love, you will obtain it. I bless you.

Mary, Mother of Love