Your Sorrowful Mother

Dear children, my affliction is your affliction. These are dark times and your hearts warn of more disparate sorrows. My children are reduced to human larvae. They have lost the light of reason by not thinking of the light of the Spirit.

I am the Mother of Sorrows, and it is for this reason that my Son lets me help those of good will. Never before has my heart suffered harder torments. The Crucifixion of Jesus has pierced my heart, but for a good and holy cause – but you, my children, pierce me in a more cruel way.

Why so much wickedness, so much cruelty, so many betrayals? Your society has been destroyed by your divisions. Some of you feel my sorrow; to you I say hold on a bit longer. Let us treat the wounds of the Son of God, that ooze blood for the blows that the young cast without restraint upon that body already so sorely tried.

You are among the few of his small remnant. Pray to console our hearts and to ensure that your Father mitigate yet a bit his chastisements. Forgive those who do you wrong, and think about how much our hearts suffer.

The days are increasingly getting shorter, but wickedness is increasing in the world. Delirium is by now the most common feeling. There is no more love. You do not succeed in distinguishing good from evil and this will bring you to total destruction.

I recommend you to save the only good that remains, the Body of my Son, who continues to give himself, knowing all the while that your hearts almost never open.

Help me, I will fight for you until the end.

Your Sorrowful Mother