My dear children, I want to remind you of two of my Commandments: Do not take the Name of the Lord in vain and remember to keep holy the feast days.
I am not asking of you anything that is not the will of my Father. However, they blaspheme the Name of the Father and of my Immaculate Mother, above all those children who forget me in prayer.
They do not think that the love of God is life and that without the intercession of my Mother so many of them will experience the eternal pains of hell. I pray you, dear children, assiduity at Holy Mass; you have six days for work, but spend at least one day of the week for giving thanks to the Father for having given you his Son.
The Cross has been your salvation and you can relive it in the Holy Eucharist. In these last times, do not let holy Sunday go unobserved. If you take up again true contact in Holy Communion, the blasphemies will no longer issue from your mouths.
Nature, first of all, no longer respects your absurdities. You think you can decide everything; you have not yet understood that nature is a creature of God and respects, first of all, the rules of her Creator. Take example from her, entrust yourselves to the Father, ask with prayer for that which you need and you will see that you are immediately heard.
It is not good for you to take the Name of God in vain, but much prayer, with greater vigor, and above all with more certainty of being heard, will do you good.
Let the holy Name of God rise from you hearts onto your lips for reasons of thanksgiving. I assure you that all will change as soon as your hearts open to the graces that we grant you from heaven every day.
Remember, so that the Holy Eucharist be, “become,” your daily bread.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus