Mary Immaculate

I, Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, desire to be close to you in this day of preparation for the feast of my Immaculateness. I have said “feast,” dear children, just like you say. I would prefer, even appreciate, fewer feasts but more prayers.

You have many days for celebrating, but few for remembering the prodigies, the miracles, the graces that your Lord Jesus Christ gives you without measure. If presents have great importance, all the more must you understand the greatness of the gifts that come to you from heaven.

Dear children, do not subject yourselves to the offers of this world. Think, instead, that all that you love most one day will vanish. There will remain only the works that you will have done as gifts for your brethren, above all for the most needy of your heart and of your charity. Be generous, persevering in love, in prayer, in faith.

When you understand that the essential things are not those that satisfy your body, but those that feed your spirit, then you will be on the right road. I can give you advice, words, that come from my Son and such love, but the rest you must decide yourselves, in total freedom.

Tomorrow, how many of my children will celebrate me, drawing close to the Eucharistic table? Don’t you know who you are to receive the gift of life, welcoming Jesus into your heart?

Seek then, dear children, to celebrate tomorrow my Immaculateness by loving each other. If you love yourselves first, you can love your neighbor and in your neighbor you will love my Son, who has given life for you.

I ask you to remember the eighth of December as a rebirth: in purity, in chastity, in love. I bless you. My Son blesses you. Remember to live by the Spirit as I have taught you by example.

Mary Immaculate