The Holy Spirit, Paraclete

My daughter, I inundate you with the wind of my Holy Spirit. Now you can tell your brethren how strong the presence of the Third Person of the Trinity is.

He who never leaves you, he whom you do not feel, but without whom you would lack breath, he who is almost always Unnamed but who gives you the Word continually, he who Is your spiritual life.

Dear children, without the Spirit your body would be as dead. How many corpses walk around you, perhaps dressed in fine clothes, but internally empty, without spinal column, incapable of breathing true life!

My dear children, you understand when I speak to you. Only I am Infused Knowledge, only I feed your soul, only I am your life. Without the Spirit you are whitewashed tombs, empty and without value.

You are thinking that I am too severe. My daughter, this is not the case; it is you who do not know any more what is true life, the true way, the true eternal truth.

I heal you more than any earthly medicine, I cure you with my love. I burn your hearts to purify them and adorn them in preparation for the coming of the Second Person of the Trinity. One sole God, one sole Truth, one sole Life.

Bear witness, dear children, that your God is the Only God. There are no others apart from Him. One sole God, one sole Lord. I illumine you always. Pay attention to my suggestions, because all that comes from without is not truth. I am the Way – the Truth – the Life.

I know you, I know your needs and all your necessities. I do not want to be severe but just. I will never sugarcoat your pills. You will have true life only if you know how to listen to my teachings. Then my Light will be your strength – your truth – your true life.

I bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son, and in My Name.

The Holy Spirit, Paraclete