Your Good God

If you do not become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes, my children, you see the spontaneity, the joy, the grace, the goodness of little ones, all the riches that belong to one who has a pure heart.

I tell you again, blessed are the pure, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Dear children, grown up now, even though you have learned to be more perfect in love, you let yourselves be taken by jealousy, envy, wickedness of every kind. You do not resist temptation and, therefore, these weaknesses of yours make you lose the good and healthy habits that allow you to live in peace amongst yourselves and, above all, with God.

In these dark times, then, seek to put God back in first place. I am reserving a place for you. Do not lose it because of your disobedience to your Creator and to His Word.

My dearest children, be humble, because humility is the virtue that will make you rich. Not with the riches for which you aspire, but with that which pleases God, Creator and Lord of all the earth.

My such beloved children, then, from now on begin to turn a bit into children and I will hand over to you that joy that you have lost in spending your days. I want you all to be children, trustful only of the goodness and greatness of your Father.

Pray and make others pray, so that your brethren return to desiring the virtue of humility. I bless you from the height of my goodness. Be worthy of my salvation.

Your Good God