Mary, Mother of Jesus and Your Mother

My dear children, there are times in which you are unable to bear with those around you and then you decide, “Enough with them!” For Me it is not so. I cannot leave my children precisely in the moment in which they need my help the most.

I pray you, do the same yourselves. Your brethren, like the rest of you, need more help in this moment. These are unbearable times. Most of you no longer believe in Jesus and for this reason you cannot overcome the trials of Satan.

The devil is completing his period of conquest and for this reason he becomes every day more active in the conquest of your souls.

I ask you, bear patiently with the most difficult people. Seek to understand their difficulties and help them to overcome the obstacles that appear before them. Jesus is always close to you. Ask and you will be heard. He is with the Father and the Holy Spirit, your salvation.

I am always near you. I implore you, help each other and you will be rewarded for all your good actions.

Never as before do you need each other in these times. Let prayer be your strength. Do not erase the smile from your lips. Encourage those who fall into depression and soon you will be rewarded for all your good actions.

I love you. I will not let you go without my presence. Seek me and I will implore the good God for you. Defend the true Church from the enemy without fear and you will be rewarded. I love you, I bless you, and I desire you like the most dear of mothers.

Mary, Mother of Jesus and Your Mother