Jesus, Your Redeemer

Dear children, peace to you. In the Garden of Olives I was not alone. For this reason I was able to endure the many pains that prepared me for the Crucifixion. I know that you are asking what this Lenten discourse has to do with anything.

Dear children, your Lent has also begun. Prepare yourselves, therefore, to overcome all the temptations and all the sufferings that you must face. You are not alone in your “garden” that is becoming ever harder to face.

If I tell you this it is because, ever more often you feel inert, not strong, unprepared before the events that you are forced to live through.

My Father heard my prayers in the moment of my Passion, and it is the same for you. I will never leave you. Count always on my help. Satan is strong and so do not underestimate him. Entrust yourselves to Me as true children, and have faith that all will happen according to the plans of my Father.

Perhaps you will have to cross this valley of tears, but whoever asks my help and comfort I, Jesus, will not let him go without it.

I am with you, my Spirit is upon you and will keep you from every danger and every catastrophe. You are my little remnant, and like the leaven serves to make bread, so you serve to glorify my Father by giving your witness.

Do not forget that my Mother and your Mother will accompany you in this difficult voyage, will keep you from every evil and will help you to find the road in the moments of confusion.

Fear not. You must never fear, but have the certitude that the Immaculate Heart of you Heavenly Mother will triumph and you, my elect, will triumph together with Her. Always have the courage to give witness to the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The rest are only useless idols.

My children, I bless you. Carry my blessing to your loved ones, above all to the indecisive and those poor in spirit. Peace – peace – peace.

Jesus, Your Redeemer